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On the sixth day

they prepare to leave.

While the Slain sleeps,

Odymn and Wen-le-gone

consider what they will carry.

Odymn empties the Slain's pack.

They select the ground sheet,

a blanket,

the Slain's rope,

the medical supplies,

the dried kotildi meat.

The map.

Other items are wrapped,

tucked into a nearby cairn

where the Slain keeps

his belongings.

Odymn fingers

the teal-blue cloth

of her tunic

dark with the blood of the Slain.

Deep inside the pack

she discovers

a secret pocket sewn,

unknown item within.

Something the Slain

keeps safe.

Odymn leaves it there,

to keep his trust.

She and Wen-le-gone

argue over the link-shelter.

Certain protection

from kotildi, slear-snakes

and marl.

But too small for three.

Awkward to carry.

At last they abandon it,

bury it beneath leaves,

deep in the Sintha Wood.

Meniscus: One Point Five - Forty Missing DaysWhere stories live. Discover now