Prologue- Little Flutist Girl

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"Good morning, Bayshore Elementary. Today is Monday, September 11th, 2002. Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance." I stand up and recite the Pledge, just like we do every morning. As I'm reciting, my eyes leave the flag and instead end up watching another girl in my homeroom, Ellie. She's sitting down, looking at her fingers with a bored expression on her face. Then again, she has to sit through this every morning. Apparently, she's not supposed to take part in saying the Pledge or something like that. She said it has to do with her religion, but what that religion is, I don't remember. I think it starts with a J, but I'm not sure. The girl standing next to me, Riley, elbows me hard in the side, reminding me to keep my eyes on the flag. When we're done with the Pledge, I tell her not to elbow me so hard.

"Well, keep your eyes on the flag, and we wouldn't have this problem. It's disrespectful to do otherwise, like what Ellie does," Riley says, and I sigh, knowing she's never gonna understand about Ellie. I get it, though. I don't really have a religion, but I accept hers and what it means for her. I tune back into the voice of the high-schooler coming over the intercom. I can't wait until I'm in high school. Apparently, there is a special class where they get to leave the high school and come to Bayshore for our morning announcements. I don't know which high school it is, but I wanna go to that one.

"And now, for the morning announcements. Today there will be an assembly in the gym at 10:00 A.M. All classes are required to attend. Anyone wishing to join the Spanish club must sign up outside of Ms. Garcia's room. Make sure to keep those grades up, as all those with all A's at the end of the quarter will be invited to attend a special party," the high-schooler says, actually making the morning announcements somewhat interesting with her voice. There's just one I've been listening for for two weeks now. Will it ever come over the intercom?

"Stop fidgeting. It's distracting," Riley chides me, and I stick my tongue out at her. I'm fidgeting because I'm so nervous! Will today be the day? Will I finally find out today?

"Results from the band auditions are in. Mrs. Abernathy would like to congratulate everyone who tried out, and encourage those who didn't make it on to try again next year! First and second chairs will be announced, but the full list is outside the band room, so make sure to check."

"Come on, just say who got on already."

"We'll start with the fifth-grade band. Second chair for clarinet goes to Max Sams! First chair for clarinet goes to Inez Strange! Second chair for flute goes to Kaycee Granville! First chair for flute goes to..." I hold my breath as she begins her sentence. I was trying for flute. I didn't get second chair, but maybe I got first? Come on, I just want to know! Without taking any sort of a break between her words, she finally says it. "Calliope Fall!" OH MY GOSH, I ACTUALLY GOT FIRST CHAIR! I look around the room, trying to see how other people would react. I catch Ellie's eye, and she gives me a smile and a thumbs-up, which I eagerly return. Some look disappointed that they didn't get first or second chair in whatever instrument they tried out for, and some couldn't care less about some people blowing on an instrument. Last year they taught us all band, and this year they actually required us to try out if we wanted on. But wow, I can't wait to tell my mom! Won't she be proud of me! "That's all the announcements for today. Remember, Bayshore, nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible'."


With the ringing of the final bell, everyone rushes out of the school, trying to get to the buses first so that they can get a good seat, and maybe even one to themselves. Hah. Yeah, right. Not with how many kids ride each bus. It took me longer to get the bus since I stopped by the music room to get a flute for me to practice on. My mom and dad wouldn't actually get me an instrument, so I had to borrow one from the school. They don't know I tried out this year, so they didn't get me one this year, either. I'm going to surprise them. I'm able to borrow the school's until I get my own, which hopefully won't be long. Mrs. Abernathy was really proud of me for getting first chair, and she even sent home some music for me to practice on, although it looks really hard! She says she hopes I can be an expert on those pieces in a few weeks if I practice every night.

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