Chapter 7- Eggs

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"Love at first sight? What are you, a teenage girl?" I ask, and Josh smirks. "Or even better, Freddie Benson?"

"Oh, yeah, we can all be the iCarly gang. Tyler will be Freddie, you'll be Carly, and of course, I'll be Sam," he says, and I raise an eyebrow.

"You do realize that Sam and Freddie were the ones that officially dated, right? Carly and Freddie were never officially together," I remind him.

"Well...ah...crap. Busted?" We both laugh, and Tyler looks back to see what we were laughing about. He stops for a moment so we can catch up with him, and then I tell him.

"Apparently we're all iCarly characters now," I say.

"Dude, that's sick. I loved that show."

"Yeah, so apparently, I'm Carly, you're Freddie, and Josh here is Sam. Which apparently means that there is something going on between the two of you that I need to know about," I joke, and Tyler and Josh look at each other.

"YES! JOSH HAS FINALLY ACCEPTED MY LOVE!" he shouts before jumping onto Josh's back. Josh caught him, and before I knew it, I was watching Josh give Tyler a piggyback ride. "Onward, my fried chicken loving counterpart!"

"Is it too late to notice that...ah, screw it." I was gonna say something about how I'm the blonde one, like Sam, and they are the two dark-haired ones, like Freddie and Carly, but then I remembered something. One, they probably can't really tell I'm blonde. Two, Josh keeps pulling his beanie down, telling me I'm not supposed to see the one dark curl that keeps poking out by his ear. And three, they look like they are having way too much fun for me to not feel guilty about killing it. All the way back to the alley Josh carried Tyler on his back and we yelled out iCarly quotes, my favorite one being a line between Sam and Freddie (or in our case, Tyler and Josh).

"Your mom only gives you eight bucks allowance a month?" Josh asks.

"She's afraid that if she gives me more, I'll buy a bus ticket and leave her," Tyler answers.

"Aw, that's okay. Just save up, buy a bus ticket, and come live with me," Josh says, even though all three of us know that isn't part of the quote.

"Really? That would be a dream come true!" Tyler exclaims, before resting his head on Josh's, his hand quickly taking Josh's.

"Alright, spill, what's your ship name? There is no way that you guys act like this and not one person has said they ship it," I ask, and they smile at each other.

"Well, some people say it's Tysh," Tyler starts.

"But I really prefer Joshler. And before you ask, no, we're not a couple nor will we ever be. We're both straight," Josh finishes, and I shrug.

"Oh, so you're like platonic soulmates? Not romantic soulmates, but like, destined to be best friends?" I ask.

"Yeah, I suppose you could say that." After we got all that cleared out, we walked the rest of the way to the alley in silence, each of us thinking something different. I can't tell you what Tyler and Josh are thinking, but I'm thinking about the future. What's gonna happen now? I'm gonna go to their hotel room, get myself cleaned up, and then what? Will I go back out onto the streets and become what I was before I met these two? Or will my luck turn around? Will I hitchhike my way somewhere else? Will I just up and leave this city? New York City has been my home my entire life. Am I willing to leave it? I look at Tyler and Josh, so happy together, just having fun as best friends should, and I make my decision. If I have the opportunity to make something out of my life, an opportunity to be happy and to live my life the way I want to, then fuck yes, I'm willing to leave this town. Even if it means never returning.

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