Chapter 3- Two Different Kinds of Christmas

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"Hey, dude, wake up!" I know that Josh is screaming at me to wake up for a reason, but at this exact moment, my brain isn't really wanting to work, so I can't think of it. That, and the bed is really comfy, so I don't want to leave it...yeah, no waking up for me. I choose sleep. "DUDE, WAKE UP!" And that was when I felt a pillow hit my face.

"Okay, okay, I'm awake! But...why did you wake me up like that?" I ask. The only reason I chose to wake up was that I didn't want to get hit with a pillow again. Despite how fluffy they are, I'm really not in the mood for a pillow fight right about now. Ask again later.

"Tyler, it's Christmas!"

"You're acting like a little kid...wait... OH MY GOSH, IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Immediately, I'm completely awake, and in a little kid mind frame, I look out the hotel window to see if it snowed. It didn't, deflating that hope like a cut balloon. Oh well, maybe next year? I look over to Josh, who for once, doesn't have a hat or a beanie on. Maybe because it's just me in the room. I don't know.

"Okay, now that we got that you want to get breakfast first or just start in on the movies?" he asks, and I opt for food. Because you Food is always good. As we sit downstairs eating our breakfast, we just talk about random things, from me having to face my mother when we get back, to why in the world he had to grab his beanie before he came downstairs. He reminds me that he hates his natural hair, and I roll my eyes, knowing that one day he's going to find someone who will show him that it's really not that bad. Maybe Debby? I know they broke up, but I think they'll get back together. I just do. Right before we go back up, I can hear music from...somewhere. It doesn't sound like it's coming from a speaker somewhere, and I don't see anyone with a radio or an instrument. So where is it coming from?

"Do you hear that?" I ask, and Josh looks up, his fork still in his mouth. Okay, maybe I chose a bad time to ask that question. I give him a moment, and he looks around.

"Hear what?"

"That music!" I say, and by his face, I can tell that he's straining to hear what I'm hearing, and then I realize. It's not playing anymore. It stopped, but why did it stop? Why did the music stop? Just as I realize that, it starts up again, and Josh looks like he had a eureka moment.

"I do! I do hear it! But where's it coming from?" he asks, and I shrug, having been wondering the same exact thing. Josh looks around, before spotting something, He points to it excitedly, and I turn around, seeing what he's seeing. Through the windows in the lobby, I can see a woman on the corner, sitting and playing the ukulele. From where I'm at, it looks like she has dark skin and darkish hair, and her clothes are extremely tattered and worn. Is she a homeless? I want to go over and ask her, but I'm not sure if that would be appropriate. How do you ask someone that? As she plays, I can start to tell what she's playing. I think I know what song it is, but then she starts to sing, which confirms my thought.

"What child is this, who laid to rest on Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet while shepherds watch are keeping? This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing! Haste, haste, to bring him laud, the babe, the son of Mary. So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh, come, peasant, King, to own him, the King of Kings salvation brings, let loving hearts enthrone him," she sings, before launching into the chorus again. I look over at Josh, who seems as enthralled by the girl's music as I am. Before too long, the music fades away, and I decide to go and talk to her. I want to ask her a couple of questions, like if she is actually homeless. As soon as I stand up to go talk to her, Josh tells me to sit back down.

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