01. You intrigue me

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"You intrigue me..."
Written and Edited by: ohyoungg

    We continue off with our two, Hoseok and Soyun. The Alpha female and the Omega male had moved from the alleyway and were now in a mens clothing store. Soyun had promised Hoseok she'd buy him and clothes he wanted. Reluctantly, he agreed and soon began to look around. After a while he went to the dressing room, changed, and came out wearing black leather jeans, a white t-shirt, and a large golden bomber. He looked amazing in it, and Soyun had to avoid letting her eyes wander.

    Soon Hoseok had picked out four outfits, wearing the first one out of the store. Soyun paid for them all with him silently complaining about how she was spending too much on him. She never cared how much money she spent. She'd always have some coming to her right around the corner.

"Hey, Soyun-ssi? Why did you help me back there in the alley?" Hoseok asked the female. She shrugged.

"You looked like you needed help, and plus, that girl could have seriously messed up your heat cycle if she had tried to mark you." Soyun explained, taking a few sips from her drink every now and then.

Hoseok stayed silent as he gazed down into his drink. He could see his reflection in the dark liquid, making him cringe slightly before sighing. "I don't deserve it. Those girls were right about me, y'know? All the other Omegas are small and beautiful, while I'm just," he trailed off, "me."

Soyun glared at him before she moved her drink aside. Leaning over the table, she looked him in the eyes. "That's what makes you unique, Hoseok. You're tall, handsome, and beautiful beyond belief. Those girls only saw what they wanted to see because you looked better than them. They were jealous and decided the world didn't deserve someone like you because you were too perfect." She spoke firmly, her eyes soft.

He stared back for a while before lightly shoving her away. "Whatever, say what you want." The male closed his eyes and leaned his head back, showing off his neck as he swallowed. "I'm too far in anyway."

    Silence filled the air, but it wasn't awkward, it was full of feelings. Soyun stared at Hoseok with something like sympathy, but also confusion. He intrigued her, and there was something about the male she liked.

"Would you like to come live with me?" She spoke before she even comprehended was was coming out of her mouth.

Hoseoks' head snapped back down to gape at her. An Alpha asking an Omega to live with them? Let alone a female! "What?"

She shook her head. "Never mind, just ignore what I said."

"No no! I'd love to, but wouldn't that be bad for your reputation?" He asked softly, squinting his eyes in confusion.

"No, many females have males in their homes, but for different reasons, of course. Just because I'm an Alpha doesn't mean I can't have some type of company, sexual or not." Soyun shrugged, twirling her straw around in her drink.

Hoseok blinked once, then twice before he spoke. "So I won't be your personal sex toy? Or a tool for your dirty work?" He checked.

She nodded, looking from her drink to him. "You'll just have to keep me updated on your heat cycle. I'm able to help with that if you ever want me to, but be careful around those times; I'm still an Alpha after all."

A grin broke out of his face. "Of course! As soon as I'm moved in, we can go to the doctor so he can tell me how long I have left until my next heat and when they'll start to show up."

"When was your last heat?" Soyun asked, moving her drink as the waiter came by with their food.

"Um, this is February, right? So," he paused, "it was on January 16th." Hoseok grabbed his chopsticks and began eating.

"Then your next one should be around that time." Soyun finished, hand covering her mouth as she spoke.

    The two ate in silence for a while, enjoying their food in peace. After a while, they both finished and the waiter brought them their check. Soyun paid and the two headed back outside.

"I'll hail a cab." Soyun searched down the street, raising her hand as a cab pulled up. The two of them got in and, hesitantly, Soyun gave the man her address.

Soon the two had arrived at the medium-sized house. Soyun paid the cab and he left. Hoseok looked up at the large reinforced gate. "What's this for?" He asked, pointing up at it in confusion.

"Protection." Soyun answered bluntly, walking up to the door and pressing her hand to the panel on the wall. It scanned her handprint and, after a few seconds, the gate opened.

She led the Omega into the courtyard, passing by the flower garden and other beautiful sights. "Welcome to your new home," she said as she unlocked and opened her door.

    Soyun didn't have a large house. She wasn't so much of a model that she lived in a mansion with horses right outside her window. No, instead, she lived in a two-story house, the kitchen, game room, a bathroom, and living room downstairs, while upstairs was her bedroom, two guest bedrooms, and a bathroom. She lived alone, not ever having company since her guardians passed away. This used to be their house, but since then she has changed a little bit about it.

"This is where you'll be staying," she led him upstairs and pointed to the other guest bedroom, the one across from hers.

    Hoseok headed into the room and looked around. It was like any usual bedroom you'd see. A king-sized bed sat in the corner, which was more than he needed, a dresser was on the same wall as the door, a small TV perched on top of it. By the bed was a bedside table and beside that was a beanbag chair. The room was a pastel green, which pleased Hoseok, and the floor was black carpet.

"Do you live alone?" Soyun asked from the doorway.

The Omega shrugged. "I used to live with a friend of mine but he moved out."

She pushed herself off the wall and turned around. "We'll head to your place to get your stuff. After that, I'll schedule an appointment with the doctor."

As she was heading across the hall, Hoseok grabbed her forearm. She looked back at him, glancing between her arm and the Omega. He quickly let go when he realized what he did. "S-sorry, but... I have to ask," he paused and took a deep breath, "why are you acting so kind towards me?"

Soyun sighed and crossed her arms, "Well," she paused,

"You intrigue me..."


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