04. I'm sorry...

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"I'm sorry..."
Written and Edited by: ohyoungg

"Stay away..." He muttered, pressing himself further into the corner. His face was flushed and he breathed heavily. Soyun stared down at him, concern evident on her face. She slowly backed up, careful not to startle Hoseok. He watched her every move, wrapping his arms around his torso.

"Hoseok.." She whispered, crouching down to pick up the hair dye container on the floor. She slowly put it back on the counter before showing him her empty hands. "I won't hurt you... please.. don't push me away." His eyes scanned over her, searching every part of her body.

Suddenly he jumped up, grabbing her wrists. He held them in front of him, staring straight down at her face. A look a shock flashed over her and she tried to hide herself. His presence was intimidating, the complete opposite of an Omega. He carried himself like an Alpha. Soyun felt her presence diminish as he towered over her. She attempted to remove herself from his hold but he only tightened his grip.

"Hoseok.. calm down.." Her voice seemed to disappear as she could barely hear the words come from her own mouth. His aura was leaking with dominance and it seeped through and overpowered her own. She whimpered and nearly fell to her knees. Noticing this, Hoseok let her go and stepped back. He looked over her slumped form, trying to keep herself together, and sighed.

"I-I'm sorry. You should probably leave..." He muttered. Soyun looked up, meeting his gaze. She pondered for a second what happened before she gathered herself together and hurried downstairs. She sat down on the couch and stared at the TV, her mind overthinking the whole situation. Her body was warm, pleasant and tingly. She didn't understand why but she knew it had something to do with Hoseok's heat.

But why did he become so dominant? She thought, gazing through the plastic of the screen. None of it made any sense. Was it just something she felt? Or did he also feel dominant? Why did she suddenly become submissive? Alphas are dominant, right? Powerful, dominant predators who dominate the Omega. If so, then why did she suddenly go weak in the knees? Did she like his dominance? The feeling of being dominated? No, she couldn't! She shouldn't! She is an Alpha, right?

As she was thinking, her door opened. Seokjin hurried in, dropping his bag and rushing over to Soyun. "Soyun! Hey! Listen to me! Where is Hoseok?" He asked, lightly shaking her shoulders. She slowly pointed upstairs, refusing to meet his gaze.

Grabbing his bag, he hurried upstairs and looked around. He noticed the bathroom door open and the red streaks across the wood and winced, slowly creeping towards the bathroom. He peeked in and saw Hoseok, his body towering over the sink. He was breathing heavily, sweat glistening on his skin. His gaze moved from the sink to Seokjin standing in the doorway. He quickly pulled himself together and gave the Omega a shaky smile.

"H-hey... Seokjin!"

"What the hell??" Seokjin questioned, gazing around the bathroom. Streaks of red lined the walls and floor, sweeping over the sink, mirror, toilet and bathtub. "What did y'all do?"

Hoseok cleared his throat. "I-I was trying to dye my hair." He chuckled nervously.

Seokjin smacked his arm. "Idiot! You should be in bed! Why in the world are you dying your hair? Where did you even get this??" He asked, picking up the hair dye that had been discarded.

"It's Soyun's. I found it in the cabinet." Hoseok gestured towards the sink cabinet. "Is that bad? S-should I have just dyed it black? I was kinda thinking of black—"

"The color isn't the problem!" Seokjin said, smacking the other Omega again. He reached into his bag and pulled out a smaller, black bag. He handed it to Hoseok. "In that bag are pills. They'll stimulate your heat enough for you to not lash out. An Omega in heat will cause them to find any available Alpha, willing or not. Soyun knew what she was getting into when she decided to take you in so I trust her." He said, zipping up his bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

"Trust her how?" Hoseok asked.

"I trust her to not lose control around you." Seokjin said, turning to meet Hoseok's gaze. He rose a brow before bowing. "Anyway, I came to deliver those pills. I can't believe I forgot to give them to you before." He said, facepalming his forehead.

Hoseok paused as he watched Seokjin. Then after a second he spoke, "C-can you tell Soyun I'm sorry? I-I know I already s-said it but... I can't help feeling bad.. I really lashed out at her...."

Seokjin was quiet, his eyes observing the other Omega. He wondered what he was talking about. Omega's usually stand down in the presence of an Alpha, especially one with such authority as Soyun. He sighed before patting Hoseok on the shoulder. "Yeah, I'll tell her. It won't mean as much coming from me though." He said and smiled before leaving.

Hoseok watched him go, pausing to glance at himself in the bathroom mirror. His face was smeared with dye and his pupils were dilated. He quickly closed his eyes, not wanting to look at himself any longer. He sat in the bathroom for a few moments before hearing footsteps come up the stairs. He turned to see Soyun appear in the doorway. She leaned against the frame, her arms crossed politely in front of her. The two stared at each other, observing one another from their spots. Finally Soyun spoke.

"It's not your fault, Hoseok. You couldn't control yourself and that's not something to feel guilty about. You should take a nap, get some rest and when you wake up I'll make you something to eat. Take your medicine. I'll call Seokjin in the morning and see if he can come give you a checkup." She said, moving away from the doorframe and towards the stairs. "I'll clean the bathroom so don't worry about picking anything up. Go lay down." She said before disappearing down the stairs.

Hoseok watched her leave, taking her words into consideration. He sighed, heaving himself up off the bathtub and into his room at the end of the hall. He threw himself on his bed, not bothering to close the door behind him. He stared up at the ceiling, his mind blank. After a few seconds he closed his eyes and drifted off, muttering to himself.

"I'm sorry..."


A/N Hello!! Sorry I've been on such a long hiatus!! I nearly forgot about this story but when I came back on and saw how many notifications I had I freaked out!! I'm really sorry!!! I feel bad because I can see that a lot of you like this story and it makes me sad that I had to make you wait for an update for so long. I really hope you all still like this story despite my long disappearance. I hope to update as soon as possible. Ciao!!

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