02. Thank you

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"Thank you!"

Written and Edited by: ohyoungg

    The next day Hoseok got up and changed into one of the outfits he bought. At first the male was confused because he woke up in a strange room, but then he remembered where he was and what he was doing. He headed out of the room, seeing Soyuns' door open. Hoseok could hear humming from downstairs so he quietly made his way down into the kitchen. The female was standing in the kitchen, cooking something that smelled like cheese. He walked over to the Alpha and peeked over her shoulder, making her jump in shock.

"Hoseok! Geez, tell me before you decide to pop out of nowhere." she placed her hand over her heart and held herself up with one hand on the counter. The male grinned and apologized, "whatever, I'm making breakfast for us so go to your business while you wait."

The male nodded and headed back upstairs. He combed his hair and brushed his teeth, spraying some cologne on himself. Then he headed back down as Soyun set down the plates.

"I made omelets because I suck at making any other breakfast foods, except pancakes, of course." she said all of this while grabbing a cup, pouring some milk into it, and sitting down at the table.

Hoseok found a jug of orange juice and poured some for himself. He sat down across from her and began eating. The food wasn't half bad. A look of surprise crossed his face as he chewed his first bite.

"It's terrible, isn't it?" Soyun was leaning on her hand as she watched him try the food, "I know, my cooking sucks—"

"This is really good," Hoseok cut her off as he gestured to the omelet with his fork.

The female looked at him in shock, "Wait, really? No, you're lying, aren't you?" She grabbed her fork and tore off a piece of the omelet. After a few seconds her eyebrows rose in surprise, "Holy shit this is actually good."

Hoseok covered his mouth as he laughed. After the small event, they continued to eat in silence. Soon Soyun finished her breakfast and the female stood up.

"We're heading to the doctor today. One of my friends works as a doctor so he'll be willing to help." She spoke to the Omega as she washed her plate. He nodded and ate the last bit of his food before handing Soyun the plate and fork. She gladly took them and began scrubbing the dishes.

    Once she finished, the Alpha headed upstairs and changed into something comfy. She came back down wearing sweatpants and a large sweatshirt. Hoseok raised a brow but didn't question it. Soyun slipped on her shoes and led the male outside and into her car. She hopped into the front seat and Hoseok took his spot in the passenger seat.

"So who is this friend of yours?" The Omega asked as Soyun started up the engine.

"His name is Seokjin, and if you're wondering, he's an Omega." Soyun pulled out of her parking spot and drove down the street. She stopped at a red light and looked both ways. "He has a mate already, who is another one of my friends. His mate's Namjoon, a shitty Alpha." She growled the male's name.

"Do you not like Namjoon?" Hoseok asked as he stared out the window in thought.

"It's not that I don't like him, it's just that he's a clumsy son of a bitch." She leaned on her fist as she drove, every once in a while looking to see if Hoseok was paying attention.

"Sounds like a fun guy to me." The male grinned as Soyun groaned. She mumbled something and turned the car into a parking spot.

"Alright, we're here." She got out of the car, grabbing her phone as she exited the vehicle.

"Already?" Hoseok was confused as he stepped out of the sleek black car.

"Yeah, I don't live too far from the doctor's office. My house is just a couple roads over." Soyun shrugged as she headed up the stairs to the entrance.

    Hoseok quickly followed her and gazed around the building. There were different stalls everywhere, a lounge in the corner for people to wait, and in the back were two doors, paintings of giraffes and zebras were painted on the walls in the room beyond the doors. Soyun headed up to one of the stalls and gave the woman there her name. A flash of recognition went across the woman's face and she smiled, pointing to the long hall beside the nearest stalls.

    The Alpha smiled at the lady and bowed her head, making her flustered as she quickly tried to cover up her blush. Soyun led Hoseok down the hall until the stopped at a room. She knocked on the door and, after a few seconds, a tall male appeared in the doorway. His hair was black and he had thick lips. He grinned down at the female and side hugged her. She greeted the male happily and dragged Hoseok inside.

"What brings you here, Soyun?" The male smiled at the Alpha as she sat down in one of the waiting chairs.

"I have a friend here who needs his heat cycle recorded." She nudged Hoseok forward, who was slightly flustered at the attention.

"And who might you be?" Seokjin leaned on his palm as he stared up at the other Omega.

"Jung Hoseok! M-My name... is Jung... Hoseok." He stuttered in embarrassment for his sudden outburst. This caused the doctor to laugh, a windshield wiper like sound. The other male almost laughed at the sound of it.

"There's no need to be so tense, Hoseok!" The male stood up and walked over to his desk. "So in order to check your heat cycle, I need a blood sample." He brought over a syringe, making Soyun cringe and thank the gods she wasn't an Omega. "Just sit down here and we'll get started." Seokjin patted the large chair beside him.

Hoseok paused, looking back at Soyun before he sat down, making the paper covering the seat crinkle under his body. Seokjin went over to his computer and mumbled to himself as he created a new file for Hoseok. The Omega stared around the room, waiting for the doctor to finish his typing. Soon he sighed happily and turned around, syringe in hand.

"Alright, take a deep breath, Hoseok. This might hurt." Seokjin explained as he wiped a wet pad on the inside of his arm. He then looked over at the computer screen and back at the male's arm. Slowly, he put the needle into the Omega's arm. He hissed in pain as it entered his skin, but didn't try to remove it. The doctor carefully grabbed a test tube and took some of the blood from his vein and slowly took the needle out. He put the blood in the tube and sat it back in it's stand.

"Alright! Nice job, Hoseok! Also, I forgot to ask, but when was your last heat?" Seokjin began typing something into his computer as he looked at the tube of blood on his desk.

"January 16." Hoseok answered bluntly, rubbing his arm as it twitched uncomfortably. Seokjin handed him a bandaid and he put it on his arm. Strangely, the bandaid was covered in Iron Man?

After a few seconds Seokjin sat up with his hands on his hips. "Alright! We're good to go! The results will be in after a week or so." A grin spread out on his face.

"Thanks for your help, Seokjin." Soyun patted his broad shoulder. Said male pouted.

"I told you just to call me Jin!" He scolded the female, slapping her arm lightly.

"I'll call you Jin once you grow a pair and make a move on Namjoon." The Alpha grabbed Hoseok's hand and brought him to the door.

Seokjin raised his voice in protest but didn't complain. "Whatever, have fun you two!" He called after the pair as they waved, exiting the blank room.

"Thank you!"


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