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Roy looked at Larry, the dream teacher. He was his newest creation, and Roy was pretty proud at his creation, but... The lamp was an alcoholic, which wasn't very good for a kid's show. But, besides his drunkenness, there was something else.. Sadness? No.. Anger? Definitely not. Loneliness? Yup, definitely loneliness. But how? He had many people to talk to, many friends.. Then Roy realized it.  He didn't just need a friend. He needed someone to trust. Someone to... That settled it. He quickly dashed to the phone to make a call.

"Helllo?", a chipper, female voice sounded through the receiver.
" Hey Cre, it's Roy. "
"Oh, hey Roy! How are you?"
" I'm doing well, but I'm in need of your services. "

You see, Cre was well-known for puppet making. It was normal to see her selling off puppets and teachers, and Roy had used her services a few times before.

"Alrighty! What are you looking for?"
"A teacher, preferably female."
"I DO have a female teacher I just made, but she has grown very close to the other puppets, and I'm not sure how she'll react being taken away now."
"Oh, come on, you know that she'll be fine here!"
Silence. Then a sigh.
"Alright, she'll get there in, at most, a week."
"Great, thanks Cre!"

Roy walked off, smiling a mile a minute.

(Please don't kill me for this. I know it's absolutely terrible, but still. Part 1 is coming out very, very soon!)

A Lamp's Love [] DHMIS Lamp X Object!Reader (CANCELLED)Where stories live. Discover now