The New Home (Part 1)

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Y/N = Your Name
B/C = Body Color
E/C = Eye Color (Unsure If This Will Be Used.)

Hey guys! Sorry for the (VERY) late chapter, but the cringe levels are HIGH in this book, and I wasn't really up to writing more of this. Please forgive meh! Anyways, enjoy. (And please don't ask why I chose the object you are, I couldn't think of anything better..)

3rd Person View

Y/N woke up in a small package. The small music box looked around, confused as to where she was. Then she remembered. She growled, and anger surged through her. It had been a week since Roy had called, and Y/N was on her way to her new "home". But, to Y/N, that house will NEVER be her home.

Y/N hadn't slept ever since the day the creator announced that she was leaving, so she decided to get some rest. She listened to the noises of the engines, and, as the darkness overtook her, she dreaded the time that she reached the house.

She soon awoke again, still in the package. She wasn't being transported anymore, for the hum of the engines have disappeared. Now, she heard a few voices. " What do you think she'll be like?" A feminine, almost child-like voice questioned.

"How do you know it's a girl?" A deep British voice asked.
"Well, because Roy said so, silly!" A high-pitched ( And awfully annoying ) voice answered.
" He never said that! Computery guy, back me up here!" The same deep voice commanded.
" We-ell SIR, Roy did hap-happen to say that. This. Morning. " A mechanical, glitchy voice responded, venom dripping from each word he spoke. Around 4 people and started to giggle and whisper among themselves, things like, "Uh oh.." And, "somebody's in troubleeee~". "Weird.." Y/N thought. "I thought there were only 6 teachers? Eh, must be unused ones."

"Guyyyyyyys!" The feminine voice spoke up again, " Can't we just, oh, I dunno, OPEN THE THING? I mean, they've been in a WOODEN. CRATE. For who knows how long, and we're over here arguing about what GENDER it is?!",
" Jeeze, jeeze, alright!" The one with the deep voice responded.

There was a few moments of nothing, then the front of the crate was being torn off. The light hurt Y/N's eyes, causing her to shield them. "Hey, are you OK friend?" Y/N looked at the owner of the voice, to find a small sketchbook.

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