Face off

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It's kinda hard to sneak around the hospital but gladly Tiffany has her spare clothes in her bag so I used it, just a shirt and pants.

We managed to escape the place and we used Tiffany's car then went off. I'm in the backseat while Yoona was sitting in the passenger seat giving directions to Tiffany.

I admit, my wound is still hurt and it's not completely healed but I have to do this for Erika. I hate Nick because of this. Why does he need to involve that innocent kid? If he hates me, he should focus on me. But yeah, he's coward and he knows that he's no match against me.

I'm so worried to Erika, I hope she's fine. If anything bad happens to her, I will not forgive myself and I could kill Nick for sure.

Erika is a sweet girl, I love her like she's my real daughter. I feel guilty because she experience this and I'm the reason of it. Maybe it's really my fault that's why she's in danger so I need to save her even if my life would be the offer.

"We're near," Yoona told us.

"I called the police and they're coming too," Tiffany assured.

"Anyway, I told Dean about this and he went to our place to ask for help," Yoona informed and I nodded.

"We're here," Tiffany announced as she parked the car at the side of the road.

We went outside the car and saw this huge abandoned building in front of us. Erika is somewhere inside this building and I know she's very scared. It makes me angry every time I think of her, helpless and terrified.

"Let's wait the police?" Tiffany proposed but I shook my head.

"If Nick knew that, he will kill Erika. He strictly said not to call the police," Yoona disagreed as she put her palm on her forehead.

"They want me, I am here. No need to wait for the cops," I supported Yoona.

"But Tae, what if he hurts you?" Tiffany softly said as she held my hand and caressed it.

"We need to save Erika, Pani. We need to save our daughter," I turned to her and met her gaze. She looked very anxious but I made up my mind, I won't wait for the cops.

"Okay," Tiffany weakly replied.

"Let's go inside, please be careful," I said as I squeezed Tiffany's hand.

Before we could go, Tiffany held my cheek and kissed me passionately. Although it was short, I could feel her love for me with that kiss.

Then Tiffany spoke "You be careful, I love you Tae."

I nodded "I love you too Pani ah."

The three of us entered the building cautiously, we're alert and attentive to our surroundings but for that short walk, we already saw Nick with his four followers.

My eyes landed to a girl sitting on the ground while her hands and feet were tied. Also her mouth was covered by duct tape. It's Erika, she looked vulnerable and flimsy. Her eyes were swollen from obviously non-stop crying. My heart melted just looking at her.

"Good girl Yoona..." Nick clapped few times.

I glowered at him wanting to punch him hard on his face "I am here now Nick! Let go of Erika!"

"Not that quick, Taeyeon," Nick smirked. "We need assurance that we will exchange fair. I want you then I will give this kid to Yoona. How's that?"

"I'm willing to give myself, I will not fight. I promise... Just let go of Erika now," I genuinely said. I'm not lying I will not fight, I need certainties that they won't hurt her.

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