little something.

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It didn't shock me that nothing was out of place. Still looked the same way when I left. The smell of lavender was heavy in the air making me smile. After talking with my mom for a little bit I decided to go upstairs and unpack. Not that I had much anyway.
My room was the same as before. The only thing different was my bedding. Mom must have changed it every week since I was gone. Don't judge, I have a thing against dust. It's hard to be cute when you're sneezing all the time. My room was right by Betty's and across from Polly's. From my window, you could see Archies bed. Archie Andrews and I weren't that close. Not even when we were kids. I thought of him as this annoying puppy who couldn't stop falling over his own two feet. I wasn't mean to the boy..well I mean if you count breaking his favorite toy mean. I didn't mean to break it, honest. Since then Archie's Andrews hadn't liked me. Throwing my suitcase onto my bed I walked over towards the bed. Taking off my coat as I go. While it didn't take me long to get home it was still exhausting in heels. Reaching the back of my skirt I tug the zipper down till it would go anymore and start to shake my hips. Shimmering myself out of the tight material. I was quick to the same with my matching top, leaving myself in my black and red lace panties and red and black bra. They don't match but the colors work, so well. I made it about four steps towards my dresser before stopping short. Letting my jaw drop. Standing inside his room was Archie Andrews. His eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging down as he stared at me. The girl who just gave him the best strip show of his life. The same girl who broke his favorite toy..a toy that sister gave to him as a present. We must have stood there staring at each other for a good minute before we both shook ourselves out of it. Rushing forward I ran towards my changing area to throw on something more appropriate. One thing for sure Archie got hot

Smashed: Riverdale. (1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ