The Shopping Mall Work Out

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Chapter 4 - The Shopping Mall Work Out

 When I got up this morning I can’t say I was ever expecting to be running in heels and a cocktail dress through a crowded shopping mall from an angry arrogant fruitcake right now. Oh well what would the weekend be without a bit of excitement anyway!


I paced up and down the pavement again.

Seriously where is she?

 Kate had asked me to meet her outside this imposing department store for shopping this weekend.

Looking towards the window displays with their swaths of expensive fabric and iridescent lighting, I figured we could only be going window shopping and even then I bet we’d be followed around by haughty looking personnel in case we left our dirty fingertips on the polished glass. Glancing at the impeccably dressed women in their cashmere coats, chiffon scarves and heels as they floated through the gold plated doors held open by black and gold uniformed assistants, I felt completely out of my league.

God I feel stupid waiting outside like this. I tried ringing Kate again but her phone was switched off.

Impatiently I wrapped my coat tighter around me bracing myself against the blistery chill in the air. I glanced back towards the doors longingly. I bet it’s lovely and toasty inside. Right that’s it I’m heading in. Kate can just find me when she gets here.

Dipping my head down, I strode purposefully through the doors and whipped my hood back as soon as my boots touched the black and white gleaming floors.

I looked around in wonder at the dripping chandeliers that hung from sculpted ceiling roses. Flower arrangements seem to adorn the walls between each lustrous shop front, with their matching gold embossed lettering on black granite. This section clearly specialised in bags as I looked at the beautiful leather purses proudly displayed. They don’t even have price tags. My mum always said if you have to ask inside for the price, you can’t afford it. I was seriously beginning to feel like Julia Roberts in ‘Pretty Woman’ when she’s dressed as a hooker trying to buy clothes on Rodeo Drive.

Suddenly I realised a doorman was rushing towards me and frantically crying “miss, miss! Wait just a moment!” Oh god. I can’t believe it. They are going to kick me out. How freaking embarrassing. Just one look at me and they decide I’m gonna sully the building! Shuffling my feet anxiously I waited for the doorman to reach me. I’ll go quietly I promise, please don’t make a scene and manhandle me out of the building!

The uniformed assistant looked at me nervously and finally said politely “I’m so sorry to disturb you miss, but we realised when you walked through the door that you are our millionth customer for this month.”

“Oh, ok then.” I said surprised, “Well congratulations on being so busy, I guess.”

He smiled faintly at me and continued “Well, miss it means you’ve won a free makeover.”

“You’re kidding!” I said laughing.

“No, if you would kindly follow me I’ll take you to the spa area first.” He said before guiding me further into the building.

“No freaking way!” I burst out excitedly. “I’m not being punk’d right.”

“No, miss. Ashton Kutcher was not available apparently.” The doorman said grinning at me.

Ooohh someone with a sense of humour. I like it.

Looking at his gold name tag, I pleaded “John, please call me Jade, not miss. I hate the formality.”

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