Distraught Damsels and Taken Knights

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Chapter 5 –Distraught  Damsels and Taken Knights

Their laughter felt deafening and malicious even though I knew that it wasn’t. But the happy glow I had felt all day from my pathetic hero complex came to an abrupt halt and I turned my face away from the screen.


I was halfway towards Tristan before it occurred to me he might not be too happy to see me. I was still confused about what had happened the last time we spoke. I thought we were becoming friends but...maybe I was wrong.

Turning back to the doors I had just run through I felt like I was stuck between a rock and hard place. Gray was hot on my heels and I really didn’t want to deal with the headaches he gave me anymore but approaching Tristan could lead to a different kind of ache altogether. Just as I was poised to make a decision, Tristan glanced up and looked my way. Teetering on my heels I stepped towards his bike as he beckoned me with a tilt of his head.

“Where are you headed?” he asked giving me a slow once over, an easy grin appearing on his face.

Away from Gray. Turning from his scrutiny l sheepishly muttered “Kate’s house.”

“Bit overdressed aren’t you?” He stated teasingly.

“Oh this” Gesturing to my clothes, I declared “just something from the back of my wardrobe.”

“Sure” He smirked knowingly at me and then a little crease appeared in his forehead as he frowned at my bare arms and legs, “fashion aside, aren’t you cold?”

At that moment I noticed the goose bumps all over my body. “A bit” I answered before rummaging through my bag for my jacket to keep from catching pneumonia. I shrugged it on trying to keep my shivering to a minimum.

I looked up again when I felt soft fabric wind round my neck. Tristan smiled reassuringly at me as he knotted his scarf and draped the ends around my shoulders.

Touching it softly, he stepped back and after scrutinising his latest addition, he determined that “you look great” before snorting with laughter.

Ok I concede that I looked a bit mismatch but in my ‘unbiased’ opinion it looked freaking amazing.

Giving him a mock twirl I beamed widely at him before leisurely asking “So what are you doing out here?”

He shrugged “I came to buy a present for friend. She’s hard to buy for though.”

“Oh” I mumbled inquisitively “maybe I can help?” Glancing at the doors it suddenly occurred to me Gray might come out soon. How do I always manage to let myself get distracted?

“Yeah that would be great actually” Tristan said. “I could use a female perspective.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gently steered me back towards the store “Shall we head in?”

Shaking my head so quick I got whiplash, I dug my heels into the pavement and hurriedly said “Um actually I think this store is a bit of a bust. Let’s head somewhere else.”

He eyed me with amusement. “Alright” He said dropping his arm and moving towards his bike. “You know best, I’m sure” he stated his lips twitching with silent laughter.

“Yep I do” I maintained with a decisive nod.

He straddled the bike, patting the spot behind him.

I looked at the space he gestured to nervously. I’d never been on a motorbike before. It didn’t exactly look...safe.

Tristan must have noticed my squeamish face because he said reassuringly “just wrap your arms around me. You’ll be fine.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2012 ⏰

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