Chapter 5: Sisterly Love

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CH.5 Sisterly Love

The next morning I was ecstatic to say the least, I had my own weapon! I just wished that I could tell Ricky about what I had achieved, but I knew that if I told him about my adventures in Heaven, he'd write me up on his 'Must Be Looney and Avoided' list. Little did I know that, like it or not, Ricky was going to be sucked into my adventures very soon and a little bit more roughly than I imagined. As I was getting ready for school, I realized that I had no clue what my sword looked like and immediately called out, "Harica!" No sooner had the word left my mouth than the pin I had won in eighth grade for my grades leapt into my hand and grew into the short sword I remembered from the Armory in Heaven. I was shocked and awed at the same time at the power the weapon pulsed through me, as if itching to use it. I heard my mom walking up the stairs to see what was taking me so long to get out of bed. Immediately I muttered the sword's name again and it was back in pin form just as my mom opened the door. "What has taken you so long to get down stairs?" she asked with a glance around the room, "You're going to be late for school."

"Sorry mom," I said, "I'll be down in a second." I had a feeling that she knew that I was hiding something, but couldn't figure out what, so she let it be. I attached the pin to my shirt and got ready for school. As the bus drove up to school, it was as if the very air was charged with excitement. I realized that the demon I had killed had been posing as Mr. Rovinsky, and the students didn't know he was gone until today. I was about to exit the bus, when I was tackled from behind, and Ricky's voice whispered in my ear, "We are FREE!" I threw him to the floor and promptly tackled him, right out the door. We tumbled into school, and split apart to avoid getting in trouble. We walked to our lockers, right next to each other by room 190.

Ricky gave me one of his award-winning grins and said to me, "Ha, Ha! I still can't believe they finally got rid of old 'rotteny'. The Board must have grabbed him while you were outside with him. How else could he have disappeared so fast?"

"You don't know the half of it," I said, only half kidding, "you wouldn't believe me if I told you what really happened." Of course Ricky now wouldn't leave me alone until he knew, but if he wanted the truth, he had a long wait until I opened up. He and I joined in the celebration, even the teachers seemed relieved to be out from under Rovinsky's shoe. I thought this was going to be the most fun day of my life. Unfortunately, that is usually the time things go horribly wrong. I did not have to wait very long, the very second that school ended, Ricky and I sprinted out of school and out to the road to get home. We raced at top speed to the stop sign, and promptly halted, gasping for breath. I had touched the sign a hair in font of Ricky, but was too winded to claim victory.

Once our hearts stopped beating a hundred miles per hour, I said to Ricky, "I win again you slowpoke."

"Not this time," he said, "I touched it first and you know it."

This was our usual exchange, he would say he won, I would say I had, and back and forth we went until he admitted defeat. But this time there was a third opinion.

"Samuel beat you Mr. Pearce," a female voice said behind us, "you couldn't catch a mouse if it was already in the trap."

We both turned around to see who had spoken, and saw that the woman was dressed in the outfit Mr. Rovinsky always wore. The first thought in my mind was 'uh, owe', the second was 'RUN'. I grabbed Ricky's hand and high-tailed it out of there as fast as I could, but as soon as I started to move, a wall of black fire rose up in front of me. Ricky was yelling something along the lines of "Holy S%@#!", but I wasn't listening to him, I turned around, letting go of Ricky's hand as I turned. I faced the woman and knew instantly this was a demon. The demoness spoke with a voice that could be compared to a knife slicing my ears. "You may have defeated my brother," she said, "but I am the far superior warrior. You will die a slow and painful death for his destruction."

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