Chapter 10: Pub Busters Inc.

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CH. 10 Pub Busters Inc.

There is one thing I hate more than anything else, and that is boredom. The first of our three-day vacation was total dullsville, even perky Grace was feeling the strain. At about one that afternoon she finally snapped. "I can't take it anymore!" she screeched, "If I have to sit here for one more second, I'm going to explode!"

"Hold on two seconds," I said, "I think I figured something we can do other than twiddle our thumbs."

"And what, pray tell, would that be?" she asked, "There is nothing to do today, or haven't you noticed?"

"Simple," I said, "All we need to do is to find a demon or two, and you can fight him or her for practicing your moves."

Ricky perked up at the prospect of demon hunting. "That's a great idea!" he said, "Only one problem."

"What's that?" I asked.

"What if they're too powerful for us, then what?" he asked.

"I pop in before they can hurt you and clobber them." I said.

"Oh." Ricky said, "Thanks." As soon as Grace and Ricky went home and came back with their weapons, we left my house to see if any demons were around. Unfortunately, we found a little more than we bargained for. And by a little more, I mean about fifty more. It was just our luck to walk strait into a demon club under an old bar. We walked in, and were immediately tackled by about ten demons each. We were shoved against the wall, and surrounded by the whole bunch.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Came a voice from within the group. "It seems the entertainment today comes free of charge." The group parted so a demon who looked like a weird cross between a Doberman and a bat. He walked up to us and inspected each of us in turn. When he got to Grace he turned and said to his buddies.

"Either Miss America is paying a visit, or this girl is looking for attention." he looked back at us, "What's say we give her some boys?"

"You come a step toward us and you'll get a nasty surprise." I warned, "We aren't as helpless as you think we are." All of them laughed at that statement, not believing a word I said. They stopped laughing only because they got the wave from their boss. He looked at us and I saw him realize something, none of us were scared of all these demons, not even a scared look was on our faces.

"What are you going to do to us," he asked a little cautiously, "stare us down to death?"

"Nope." I said, turning to my friends, "What do you say we give them something to worry about."

"Definitely." said Grace.

"Waiting on you Sam." agreed Ricky. I turned back to the group of demons and called my sword, "Harica!", followed by Grace, "Sorito!", and last Ricky, "Raysuta!". There was a flash, and once it cleared, the demons saw a group of three mad, and well-armed kids in front of them. The leader took one look at each of us, and issued the one order he thought he would never need to use.

"RUN!" was all he got out before Grace's arrow shut him up.

The other demons took only a second to realize they were outmatched, and ran. Even with their greater numbers, they fell apart in panic, and my friends and I cut through them like a hot knife through butter. It took less than five minutes to clear out the club, and once we stopped, Grace and Ricky had only one thing to say. "Wow!" they said in unison.

"Now that that is out of the way," I said, "would either of you want to find some more demons to fight?"

"Are you kidding!" Grace said, "Let's get a move on, time's wasting!" And that was the story for the rest of the day, find trouble, be trouble, kick demon butt. By the time we got home and went to bed, we had killed about two hundred of the neighborhood's demon population. We couldn't wait to see the look on our master's faces when we told them how well we had done. Needless to say, it was not what we expected.

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