Chapter 6: Fake Punches

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TFBOYS and I had a private meeting with Director Qin a few days ago since we were the main cast. He was a very nice guy. We discussed each character's personality, hobbies, background, and relationships with other characters. After that, we went back to our rooms to read the script.

"Class of 2022 is about four high school students who are having difficulties pulling through their last year of high school. A fight in the hallway leads to four students meeting in detention. Little did they know, they will change each other's life." I read out loud to myself.

Reading the characters in the script reminded me of the days before I became famous. I miss high school life. I shook my head and went back to reading.

The storyline is definitely interesting. None of the main characters have normal families. My character's an orphan. Left on the streets since early childhood, she is worn out. Carrying a tired and weighted heart, she works toward the one thing that can change her future; education. Jackson's character has parents but they don't care about what he does, only providing his basic needs. Jackson has played on the streets since childhood, befriending my character. After he found out she was an orphan with no shelter or food, he secretly lets her sleep in his room and shares some his food until she got a job and was able to rent an apartment and pay for her own food. He ended up getting kicked out by his parents after he took their money to party with some friends. Being close friends since they were little, my character ended up letting him stay at her apartment if he paid half of the rent. Karry's character is the living Einstein. He lives with his loving foster family but after he finishes high school, he must return to his biological parents. His biological parents are strangers to him and he didn't want to go live them. So he came up with a plan, fail high school. Roy's character was adopted by rich, powerful parents. Expected to take his father's company after high school, he works along with his father after school, practicing and getting used to being a CEO. Even though his parents adore him, he wants someone to listen to what he says and trust his decisions.

"Ruby, come downstairs." I heard someone yell. I trotted down the stairs and saw Karry, Jackson, and Roy setting up mats in the living room. Their managers and Claire sat on the sofa.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"We going to reenact the first scene we are going to shoot," Karry said, putting down mats.

"The fighting scene?"

Roy nodded, "I just want to figure what kind of fake punch I can throw to make seem real on camera. I got some ideas."

"Okay, you and Jackson say your lines before the fighting begins. Karry and I can look to see if the punch looks good. If it's not, you just show us your next idea," I said.

Roy gave thumbs up and smiled at Jackson. "Ready?!"

Jackson puts down the last mat and gave an okay sign. They went to opposite sides of the mats since this was going to be taking place in a hallway.

Karry shouted, "Action!"

Jackson and Roy started to walk toward each other, acting like they haven't seen each other yet. When Jackson acknowledged Roy's presence, he smirked and walked a little faster. As he passed Roy, he "accidentally " steps on Roy's feet and kept walking. Roy turned around angry and demands, " 韩初望! 你站住!" Hang Chu Wang! (Name of Jackson's character) You stay where you are!

Jackson stops. I saw a smile form and he slowly turned around on his heel to face Roy.

" 阳澈, 好久不见!" Yang Che, (Name of Roy's character) long time no see!

Roy storms toward Jackson and shoves him

" 这种方式对待一位同学也太不正规了吧。" Hey, this is no way to treat a classmate. Jackson said as he walks back toward Roy.

Roy roughly grabs Jackson's shirt collar. " 韩初望, 你想打架是吗?" Hang Chu Wang, do you want to fight?

Jackson push himself away from Roy and smirked, " 谁说我要跟你打架?我只是问候而已。" Who said I want to fight? I was only saying hello.

Roy did the first fake punch. "That's too fake," Karry said. Roy nodded and did another one. I shook my head. And so for next half hour, he showed everyone all kinds of different ideas he had in mind. Poor Jackson turned his head to the right at least a million times. Sometimes the punch Roy threw was so fake that everyone was laughing till they cried.

Finally, Roy got the perfect fake punch. Jackson and Roy act out the scene again this time with Jackson fake punching back. They were fake punching until we heard tiny little clicks and saw some kind of flash from the window. All of us stopped and stared at the window.

"Did those bushes just move or is it just me?" Roy asked

"I saw it too," Jackson said.

The managers stood up and closed the blinds to all the windows.

" 是私生饭们。" It's the sasaeng fans.

. . .

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for such a long time. I had major writer's block. Thankfully, it's now gone and the next chapter should be coming soon.

😘 Love U,

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