Chapter 7: First Scene

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Hello, my readers! 😁 Sorry for not updating in such a long time. Finals and tests are killing me! Anyways, I added a cast list of the roles TFBOYS and Ruby play in "Class of 2022". Hopefully, it'll clear any confusions. Enjoy reading! 😘


"Are you serious?!" Roy shouted as he stared at his phone. Everyone looked up from the breakfast table.

"What is it, Roy?" Qiang Ge, his manager asked.

Roy let out a frustrated sigh. He passed his phone around the table. "Those saesang fans the other day had taken pictures of Jackson and I practicing our fighting scene. Now we are on Weibo hot search."

"Honestly, I really don't understand why they have to find 'proof' that we hate each other. We're like brothers!" Karry said.

Jackson took out his phone and pulled Roy next to him. "Smile." He snapped the photo of the two and posted it on his Weibo account. "That should stop it." Jackson went back to his rice. I smiled. Jackson's solutions are so straightforward.

After a few minutes, the photo went viral on Weibo and the fake fighting photos were off the hot search list.


Today, we are shooting our first scene for "Class of 2022". Director Qin picked out a hallway and Jackson and Roy got in place. A few changes were made to the fighting scene but mostly it stayed the same. The camera started rolling. "Action!"

Jackson and Roy walk toward each other. Jackson saw Roy. He quickens his pace and "accidentally" slams into Roy's shoulder.

" 韩初望! " Hang Chu Wang! (Name of Jackson's character).

Jackson stops. A smirk forms on his lips. He slowly turns around on his heel to face Roy.

" 阳澈, 好久不见!" Yang Che, (Name of Roy's character) long time no see!

Roy storms toward Jackson and shoves him.

" 这种方式对待一位同学也太不正规了吧。" Hey, this is no way to treat a classmate. Jackson said as he walks back toward Roy.

Roy roughly grabs Jackson's shirt collar. " 韩初望, 你想打架是吗?" Hang Chu Wang, do you want to fight?

Jackson pushes himself away from Roy and re-organized his shirt, " 谁说我要跟你打架?我只是问候而已。" Who said I want to fight? I was only saying hello.

Roy throws a fake punch at Jackson and Jackson stumbles backward, covering his mouth.


Makeup artists rush to add makeup to Roy and Jackson's faces while hairstylists fixed their hair. One makeup artist adds some fake blood on the side of Jackson's mouth and adds a little on Jackson's hand. Also, Karry and I are also being pampered by the makeup artists and hairstylists. In this next scene, Karry and I are going to come in and try to stop the fighting. The principal will catch all of us in the fight and gives each of us a detention slip. After our makeup and hair are set, all the actors position themselves.

"Lights! Camera! Action!"

Jackson takes his hand off his mouth and sees the blood in his hand. He wipes the blood on his chin away with his sleeve.

"你先出手,别怪我下手狠。" You hit me first so don't blame me for beating up your pretty little face. Jackson and Roy run toward each other and their fists flying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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