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Sorry it's a unicorn I love unicorns even my phone case is a unicorn.
Play this song symphony by Zara Larsson

(Y/n) POV

When Eren asked you to be his girlfriend You were more than delighted You were so happy though at the reception Levi was glaring daggers at Eren and you it was sorta creepy and funny because he looked like a seal with Down syndrome (no offence to people who have it if I offended some of you sorry)

All of a sudden horse face came over and said cockily "honestly you are going with him you should choose me over him  way better looking than him."
Eren looked absolutely Livid You said "really because to me you look like a horse go to mikasa instead."

He looked so shocked You and Eren walked away laughing your asses off.
You laughed so much you thought you were going to be sick sometime soon the laughter stopped and guess who came over the person you didn't want to see Levi fucken Ackerman.

If looks could kill you and Eren would be 6 feet underground.
Levi said "(Y/n) may I have this dance."
You simply asked "why doesn't Petra hate it when you talk and dance with other girls and I'm sure she is probably glaring daggers at all of us."

You both looked over and Petra came and said "stop speaking to my husband." She put the emphasis on 'my'.
" I wasn't he came over and started speaking to me I don't even like Levi." You said sassily.
Levi looked at you with a blanc expression but his eyes were full of rage.

Levi POV

How dare she speak that way to her future husband that way.
"(Y/n) may I have a word, outside."
She simply said "Yeah sure."

We walked outside and as soon as we were I gripped her wrists and she whimpered "O said who do you think you are to tell your future husband you don't like him how would you like it if I said that to you?!"
She said "ok 1) you are not my future husband I am with Eren and you and Petra are married and 2) I wouldn't mind I never liked you, you should've noticed that years ago maybe you are truly stupid."

I was so angry I slapped her across the face and immediately regretted it she said " I am calling the police this is harassment."

(Y/n) POV

You were angry you pulled out your phone and dialled  999 (or 911 of your American) and started speaking "hi I would like to file a report a man named Levi just told me to come outside and talk but he grabbed my wrists and slapped me across the face."
They said "are you injured."
You said "I think he broke my wrists and I'm not sure about my face it all happened so fast.

Levi yanked the phone out of your hand and...

Ok cliffhanger see ya next time sorry for not updating

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