prologue 2 - Where everything started.

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Back at home, they changed and settled down on the bed in the large room surrounded with pillows and quilt. 

"now that we are all ready.. its time for my bed time story" she asked .. her innocence made Manik smile.

"It is not exactly suitable for a bed time story" to that she made a face. 

"Manik... you always talk in riddles... I want to know it.. please.."

"Okay.. now imagine...... "

"What?? Imagine what?"

"Imagine... Voices..." he fell back telling her the story of his birth.


Voices. Voices that are merely audible. Whispers. Loud whispers.

Someone's sobbing in the jail cell. We hear the snuffing. Someone was sobbing too hard. But there is another voice too. A Manly voice.

"You wont abort the child Shobha. Yeh humaara bachha hai." He says to the women behind the bars of the jail cell.

The man was young. Handsome even. But he didnt look quite. He looked sad, tears rolled down his face as he begged the women in the jail who carried her child.

"Please Raghuveer. Please. let me abort this child. This is the right thing to do." The women named Shobha standing behind the bars wearing the white saari with blue borders, was crying. She was the one who we heard sobbing. Holding the bars she supported herself. Her eyes red, hairs messy. She would have been too beautiful if she wore a smile on the face. 

"No Shobha. Please......." Raghuveer as we heard his name begged again.

"One reason - give me one reason as to why this kid should come to this world. What are you going to tell this child if and when he asks of his mother?" Shobha asks. Sniffing her nose as more and more tears ran down his face.

"I shall make everything alright, Shobha.I will take you out of here, everything will be alright. and do you believe that when everything goes alright, you would be able to live with yourself if you abort the you think I would be able to live with the guilt of killing my first born. First born, Shobha." Raghuveer tried convincing Shobha.

"He will endure all the hatred . He will be accused of being a cheater as well. The people won't let him live, because we were careless of our people. I am a criminal to them and he is going to be a criminal's child." Shobha told him... she knew she was never getting out of jail for what she was accused of. It was a crime and even though she didn't do it but since the company is in her name she has to bear it.

"nothing will happen as such. this child is going to live the life of a true Malhotra.  he will live his life the best, I will even pull you out in no time. I will re-open the case, I will hire the best lawyers. but please remove this idea from your mind. Please Shobha."

Shobha nodded. Raghuveer who had very mixed emotions on her face kept a hand on Shobha's belly and though he couldn't feel a thing yet, he felt the happiest.

"I will meet you tomorrow.." He promised.
She gave him a small smile and he left without wasting a moment determined to make her free.

Shobha touched her belly and a small smile came to her lips.

"He is the best papa in the world. but i am not going to be a good mother. you will come in this world,but I am not sure we will have  a lot of time with you. "

Weeks passes by. Months did too. Shobha was kept in the prison for now about 5 months. Each day Raghuveer would visit her and each day he would visit yet another lawyer to present Shobha's case.
Here he is again to visit her. Always the same.

Shobha was sitting on a chair in a big room handcuffed to a horizontal pole attached to the table. The table has only 1 more chairs across the chair Shobha was sitting. It was a Dark room with an only light coming from the tube light above the table. The gate was made of iron. Painted with a disgustingly dark blue.
We see as noise of clinking and rusty opening of the aluminium door. Two policemen came in along with Raghuveer who was now looking smart and handsome with a suit on. He had an expressionless face which doesn't allow to read what all goes in his mind. As he enters, the prison officers bow down to him and leave the two alone in the room.
It felt as if the guards fall down as they went because Raghuveer's hardened face looked painful all of a sudden looking at Shobha handcuffed to the table. His walk too became limp. He was walking very cautiously as if a very heavy load was on his back.
He sat down on the other chair and sighed loudly.

"you seem sad?" Shobha asked desperately in need of answers.

"they don't want to fight our case, those lawyers, they rejected every bit of money I offered them."
If his eyes held pain a few months back, Now they were blank. Completely blank.
Shobha smiled at him.
"I knew it Raghuveer, no one will believe us."

"I have not given up yet, I won't let you give up too. I would never give up, not now, when I know my son is here."

"It is a girl." she said. Tears fall from her eyes but there was no sadness in them. She was content.

"Uh-huh. He is A boy" He replies. His expression mirroring hers.

"How come you are so confident, It can be a Manvi." She asked.

"He is just like me, Shobha. He is a mother's boy, not a father''s daughter, i can tell. He takes care of you even when he is not there with you. Yeh Manik hi hai Shobha."

The night.....of the delivery.
The female prisoners who were to be deliver were kept in constant gaze of the policemen. Shobha was in labour now for 12 hours. She was transferred from the prison to the government hospital. Raghuveer had been informed.
He was reluctant when he came to know that Shobha's delivery will be in a government hospital. He tried everything. But the court and the police both rejected his appeal.

"Nothing is above law and order. Nor money. Neither the status. Her pregnancy is normal and devoid of any major complications. Therefore, the delivery can be done in the government hospital." Says the court.


"Manik" Shobha smiled weakly as she was still in pain. She handed him over to Raghuveer.

"Manik Raghuveer Malhotra. my son. Malhotra Empire's Heir. you will see Shobha, now that he is here, I shall make everything alright, he will make everything alright." Raghuveer held him as he spoke with a pride in his voice.
The little baby crying in the arms of Raghuveer didn't knew the hope he gave to Raghuveer and Shobha. It was only be known to Raghuveer and Shobha. But no one knew what he would become one day.

How wonderful these little bundle of joys are, they don't even know but they understand you, they don't even realize, but they would say something so special that shall make you the happiest. All they want is LOVE.


How was it??????....

Chapter 1 to be updated soon.

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