Boyfriend Material

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Vera's POV

It's been a week since court. My parents are both in jail now.

Am I a bad person if I say that I'm glad about it?

I've been counting down my days left and I now have nineteen. Great. At least I can spend it with the people who really care for me. Declan has been sending me flowers each morning and always attaching a note explaining why he loves me. I hope this lasts, he makes it seem like we are the only two people in this world. At least I know I'm the only one in this world he wants. Speaking of Declan, today we are going to the beach. He wanted me to be able to do whatever I want just so we can spend time together before it might be too late. Every morning he texts me this message:

Good morning gorgeous!
You are looking as beautiful as the sunrise
today. I love you and today will be an even better day than yesterday <3

And I always respond with:

Good morning darling you are looking as amazing as you did yesterday morning. Look out your window dear so I can see your beautiful face once again! <3

He looked out his window and smiled mouthing "I love you" and I repeated it.
I hope this lasts. He has faith, why don't I? I don't want to get my hopes up. I think that's it. With everyday being a countdown to your last days on earth, you can't help but be engulfed in endless thoughts of darkness such as:
1.will they miss me when I'm gone?
2. Will anyone realize I'm gone?
3. Did I do good in this world?
4. Am I spending my last days doing things that make me happy?
5. Will they find a cure?
Etcetera. I get lost in thought and there is always a light at the end of the tunnel of darkness.

That light's name is Declan Carter.

He could be with any girl he wants but he chooses to be with me and I love him for that. His hopefulness makes my life feel important which makes me hold on to my life even tighter each day. I'm still facing my balcony doors and I happen to feel certain familiar eyes looking my way. I turn and sure enough, Declan is watching me. His gaze is compelling and full of life, I smile at him and slightly shake my head.

I began to pace outside, my converse clad feet crunching the asphalt. Finally, I hear Declan's front door open. I stop dead in my tracks and watch him, our eyes locking together. He had on his swim trunks and a plain t-shirt on his top half. I however, had on my bikini with slits on the bottoms, I had shorts to cover up at the moment. My top half was showing my tan stomach. "You look beautiful as always sweetheart" he smirked, "wish I could say the same darling" I joked "you little tease!" He glared playfully. "So, should we get going?" I asked him after a short while, he nodded and opened his car's passenger door for me. I smiled at him as he started the car.

It took about an hour to get where we were heading. Surprisingly, the beaches in Colorado are very nice. Considering that it mostly snows almost all the time. Summers however, are fabulous! The beaches are unique, they face the Rocky's. We took food and the other necessities needed at the beach. I took my shorts off placing them on a towel once we decided on where we should lay our things down. I was placing our snacks and my sunscreen down on the towel and I suddenly feel warmth around my waist.

I turn and see Declan he kissed my temple and let go after a short while calling behind him "last one in the water is a sea slug!" I furrowed my brows "what are you, six?" I called back laughing slightly. I ran to the water after him. Declan was already halfway submerged in it. "Hey sea slug" he held out his hand I didn't take it, I simply rolled my eyes and walked towards him. I pushed his chest, he didn't budge "what are you made of?" "boyfriend material love" he laughed and I giggled a bit.


"Whatever you say love" I laughed
"you don't agree?"
"I never said that."
"Seems like you did sweetheart"
"Did I offend you?"

He held his heart and I laughed slightly giving him a kiss on his lips. Lingering for longer than expected. I smiled against his lips and he suddenly let go. "Why'd you stop?" I wondered pouting a bit. "I'm not going to give in that easy love," he laughed. I stuck my tongue out at him childishly he grabbed my face pulling me toward him again. I jumped a little before I knew what was going on. "I love you sweetheart, so much, I hope you are having a good time." "I love you too darling, I am. I'd be even better if I had a little-"
"Say no more! Food!"
I laughed, "you know me too well!"

We walked out of the water. I felt a chill go through my whole body. Declan quickly took a towel from the bag and wrapped it around me. "How did you...?" he just smiled and grabbed a sandwich handing it to me. I sat down on the towel laid out in the sand, still having one around my shoulders. This day has been amazing. I just wish I had more time left. Worry was evident on my face and Declan must have caught on to that. "What's on your mind?" He asked me wrapping his arm around me, drawing me closer.
"Nothing" I sighed.
"I don't believe that for a second."
"It's nothing. Really."

He gave me a blank stare anger was peaking through his eyes and I just had to tell him before it got to the surface bubbling over. I don't like it when he gets that way.
"...okay, I wish I had more time left. For you, for this, just everything I want more time to live D!"
"Vera, what have I told you so many times?"
"That you have faith that I'll survive and the doctors will find a cure."
"Then why don't you believe it?"
"I don't want to have false hope."
"Sorry, it got really depressing."
"No, it's fine. I get where you're coming from but I just don't believe it."
"Believe what?"
"That you won't survive. I really do think that you will..."
"I know and I'm not telling you to not think that, I'm just saying I don't think that will happen."
"Well, Can we at least enjoy this moment here in the now and don't think about the future?"
"Yeah, yeah. We can. Sorry."

He shook his head and pulled me closer to him.

QOTD: what time is it where you are right now?

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