Chapter 3

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{Picture of Evie}

Evie POV

The final bell rang and I scurried out to the parking lot, eager to get home. I climbed up into my truck and threw my bag inside. Hmm, maybe it was a mistake to have it jacked up a bit. Oh well. I started it up and sighed in content as I listened to the purr of the motor. I backed out and drove out of the parking lot. I was relieved when the bell rang because I more classes than I would have liked with Ace. He was a scary man. I drove for a bit and pulled into my driveway. I pulled the key and hopped out. 

I opened the front door. I already knew that my dad wouldn't be home for a while so I just headed upstairs to change. My body was itching to start dancing. I quickly changed and headed out to the shed. I opened it and hurried to put on some turners. I turned on some music and did a quick warm up. I then put n my song a choice and started working on my dance. By around 6:00 I had around half of my dance choreographed, written down and recorded. 

I was hot and sweaty so I called it a night and headed back inside,  the cool night air greeting me as I walked up the path through my yard. 

I walked up the stairs slowly. I was exhausted. I shouldn't have worked myself so hard. My calves and feet hurt so bad and my thighs were burning. I walked into my bathroom and peeled off my sweaty clothing. After taking a nice long shower. I replaced my towel with a black tank top and a pair of baggy gray joggers. I headed downstairs to see my dad at the stove cooking dinner. He was still in his business suit and was cooking up a frenzy. 

"Ah ha! Evie! I need your help I forgot to tell you that a business friend of mine is bringing his family over for dinner tonight and I need you to help me cook!" he exclaimed whilst bustling around the kitchen like a madman. 

I nodded my head and pushed up my glasses, ( I usually wear contacts but got lazy) and tightened my messy bun. 

"Tell me what to do and I will help out," I replied.

He started belting out instructions and by the time it was 6:45 we had a full meal ready to go. My dad worked for a gang. Yeah, random right? I'm about 99.99% sure that's why my mom left us. She didn't like the life of the gang. I, on the other hand, didn't mind it too much and didn't really have a choice anyway. 

"Um, dad do I need to change?" I asked hesitantly looking down at my sweats.

"No sweety your fine with what your wearing, this isn't a formal dinner. Just a get to know one another kind of dinner. 

I nodded my head and went upstairs to fix my hair. I started brushing it into a ponytail when I hard the doorbell ring.  I heard my dad yell that he would get it so I left it. 

A few moments later I heard voices and laughter coming from the living room. My introvert side was coming out and I suddenly didn't want to go down anymore.

"Evie! The guests are here, come on down." My dad yelled.

Son of a biscuit! I sighed and slowly made my way downstairs. I walked into the dining room and scurried behind my dad. I am very shy if you couldn't tell. 

My dad chuckled and stepped to the side to reveal me. I was suddenly looking up at two very tall people. Scratch that I'm only 4'9" so I guess everyone is tall to me. Also if you are wondering I'm 18, not 9. 

The woman and man before me reached out to shake my hand, so being polite I had to shake back. The woman suddenly turned around scowling. 

"Ace come here and greet Mr. Carter's daughter." 

I froze as the woman grabbed her son by the ear and drug him forward. His eyes landed on me and he smiled. I smiled shyly back and hid back into my dad's side. He chuckled. 

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