Chapter 7

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Evie POV

After breakfast, I just felt myself getting passed around after a bit of talking. I knew after a while, that I must be outside because I felt myself start to shiver from the cold. My dad placed me in the car and buckled me up. 

I must have fallen asleep while he was driving us home because the next thing I know, I'm back in his arms and getting carried into the house.

I don't know why, but I am feeling super tired and lazy. I think I'll probably just watch movies with Alex all day. 

Oh, son of a biscuit! He's probably gonna end up being super mad at me or think I got kidnapped or something.

I looked up and over my dad's shoulder, only to see Ace following us inside. My eyes widened and my face suddenly grew warm when I remembered everything that happened this morning. 

He smirked and looked over at me as I re-buried my face back onto my dad's shoulder.

When we made it inside my dad picked up his pace and ran to the living room, throwing me onto the soft couch. 

I squealed and went to reach for a pillow, but it was too late. My dad was attacking my sides with his fingers making me giggle and squirm as I tied to escape.

I saw Ace walking in, as he heard my squeals and started yelling, "Ace! Ace! Help me!" I giggled.

He smirked and tapped my dad's shoulder. My dad surprisingly moved over and a sense of relief went over me as the tickling stopped.  

But I screamed again as Ace dove for me and started tickling me again. The giggles started up and he started laughing as well. After a while, he finally stopped, after listening to my pleading.

I rolled out from his arms and started my way upstairs so I could shower, though I heard footsteps following me up, but I ignored it and kept walking.

After turning on the water to hot, I stepped in. I always loved showers cause I was able to just be relaxed. 

After like a half hour of just sitting under the warm water. I grabbed my big fluffy towel and stepped out into my bathroom, being careful not to slip and fall. 

After stepping into some warm sweatpants and a tank top. I put my glasses back on and threw my still wet hair into a messy bun. I threw my dirty clothes into the hamper and grabbed my phone off of the counter. I started walking back to my room but jumped back with a yelp when I saw Ace laying across my bed.

He sprung up and looked around to see what I was scared of. When he saw nothing he turned back to me and frowned. 

He walked over t me and wrapped his arms around me. I looked up at him, frowning. 

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He didn't get a chance to reply before my brother came bursting into my bedroom. 

"What's going on here!?" he all but yelled.

Ace pushed me behind him and let out a growl of annoyance. I peeked out from behind him and glance at my brother in confusion.

"What are you doing in this house?" Ace questioned.

"What are you doing in my SISTER'S room?" Alex responded.

"Brother?" Ace replied.

"Yes now tell me you're doing in here before I drag you out fo here my your neck!" Alex growled out.



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