School and The Mall

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We had an interview with the principal at 11:30, so we went to the BAU for a while then took off to the school.
I could see Heidi sitting nervously in the back seat. Once we got there we climbed out and went to the office. We waited five minutes before we were introduced to the principal.
"Hello you must be Agent Prentiss, I'm principal Woods". The man spoke. He was at least in his mid 50's with blue eyes and greyish hair.
He looks down at Heidi and says 'you must be Heidi' he held his hand out for her to shake it. She politely does then clings on to my hand.
We followed him to his office where the interview took place.
"What do you like doing Heidi"? He asks
"Umm..... well I guess I like reading when I can and learning new things. I like cooking and craft and I like sports. I never got to do much of anything though". She finishes
"Thats alright, I'm sure you'll get to do plenty of everything here with us". He explains
"Now Agent Prentiss, why do you want to send Heidi here"?
"I guess it's because of the good reputation and I want her to get a wonderful education, afterall your school does offer a wide variety of after school activities and a great learning environment. She hasn't had the best start to life so I want to give the hope and the best chance of learning." I explain
He smiles and then looks down at his paperwork. He asks several more questions for both of us and we answer them as best as we can.
"Well with that I'll get you to sign here that you've been accepted here and we expect you to start in two days time. We also need to let you know is we have a school uniform here so you'll need to buy it here." He explains
"Of course." I add
I sign the paperwork and we shake hands and then walk to the uniform room. They have a summer and winter uniform. I brought her a royal blue checkered school dress for the summer and royal blue winter skirt with a white blouse and royal blue woolen jumper. I also buy her white socks with a blue stripe band around the top of the socks and black leather mary jane school shoes.
Heidi I think was a little overwhelmed because she was pretty quiet but the mood finally changed when we ended up at the mall.
We went from store to store, she was so excited. We brought more clothes to replace her old ones. She especially loved her new Mickey Mouse hoodie. I brought her several pairs of pants and tops. I brought her a new navy blue winter coat and I brought her a couple of dresses. She chose out her new mint green and pink sneakers. We brought her new boots and some hair ties.
We got to the toy section and she was again in awe about how many toys there were. She chose three jigsaw puzzles. One was of the little mermaid and another of some horses in a field, and another with butterflies and fairies.
Then she chose out a colouring book and textas and pencils.
She then stopped when we passed the books. So we went into the book section and it was hard for her to only pick a few. So she brought 'Matilda' by Roald Dahl
'The Grace Stories' by Sofie Laguna
'A Big Book of Fairy Tales' by Hans Christian Andersen.
We paid for everything then returned home exhausted.
We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing. Heidi began one of her jigsaw puzzles while I read a book. Then by 5:30 I decided to put dinner on. We were having spaghetti Bolognaise. Of course mine would be no where near as good as Rossi's but it still tasted alright.
I called Heidi for dinner and she came running out of her room and sat down at the table.
We began eating it.
"Do you like it"? I ask
"Yes I love it". She replied between mouthfulls
I just smiled.
By the end she had spaghetti sauce on her face so I told her to go and take a shower. She looked at me with a funny face so I asked her what the problem was.
"I don't know how to turn the shower on and get the temperature right". She explains.
So we head to the bathroom together. I showed her then she climbed in and cleaned herself up. She got herself into her pajamas and she brushed her teeth.
"Emily can we read a book"?
"Sure go and get one and we can read it on the couch". I tell her
She returns moments later with her new book 'matilda'.
We read a page each and she was snuggled up beside me.
"I thought you didn't read a lot when you were with other people". I ask her. She was really good for her age.
"Well I'd read what ever I could whenever I could". She explained.
"I tought Myself". She added
We had read the first 4 chapters then I said she should go to bed.
"Emily can I sleep with you"? She asks
"I feel safe with you and I don't want to have another nightmare". She just wraps her arms around me.
"Okay". I reply
She climbs into the other side of my bed. I kiss her head and tell her that I won't be to long.

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