Throughout Time

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I was woken up at 5am by my phone. It was Hotch.
"Sorry to wake you but we have a case". He tells me
"Okay, I'll have to take Heidi with me. I'll be 20 minutes". I say. I hung up climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. Before I walked out the door, I packed Heidi's school clothes, hair brush and toothbrush into her backpack. I wake her up gently.
"Honey, we have to get up. I have to go into work early and you can come with me until it's time for school".
"Mmmmm okay". She picks herself up and I walk with her out to the car, she's still in her pajamas.
We arrived at the BAU and we walked in. I sent her to Garcia's office where there's a couch. I layed down and I placed a blanket over her.
"Go back to sleep sweetie, I love you".
"I love you too". She returns then rolls over and goes back to sleep.
I walk out into the conference room.
"Garcia, Heidi is in your office sleeping, I didn't want her to see this." I inform her
We all sat around the table while JJ informs us on the new case.
"Its a bad case thats why I called you all now so we can catch this unsub quickly". Hotch tells everyone.
"Well thank god they did because it's only a matter of time before he strikes again". Morgan adds
"Wheels up in 30". Hotch tells everyone.
"Don't worry Emily, I'll watch her and take her to school." I gave Garcia a smile
She gave me a reassuring smile.
This is my first case away from Heidi. I'm a bit anxious with how she's going to cope without me.
I walk into her office with Garcia. I kiss her on her head and tell her I love her. Garcia just places her hand on my shoulder. I smile but I had tears in my eyes.
I walk out of the office grab my go back and meet everyone on the jet. I got myself settled on the jet and I just placed my hand on my ever growing belly.
I woke up at 7:30 to remember that I was in Penelope's office.
"Oh hi little munchkin". Garcia sweetly greets me.
"Hi Penelope, where's my Mom?" I ask
"She's on a case little one, but fear not I will look after you and take you to school". She reassures me.
I get up and go to the bathroom. I return and ask for breakfast. She told me to go and look in the kitchen that they had. I found myself some bread so I had toast.
Then I got my backpack and went to the bathroom. I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I'm not very good at doing my own hair so I'll ask Penelope.
I enter Penelope's office and I ask her if she can do my hair.
"Of course, come and sit on my chair and I can braid your hair". I've always wanted my hair braided.
When she finished I looked in her small mirror that sat on her desk. I had two dutch braids running down me.
"Thankyou Penelope". I gave her a hug.
"Naww your welcome my munchkin". She returns.
She took me to school 15 minutes later and Anna was waiting at the front gate.
"Bye Penelope". I yell as I get out of the car and run towards Anna.
"Who was that" Anna asks
"Oh that's Penelope. She works with my Mom. Mom had a case to go on so Penelope is taking care of me" I tell her.
We went to class and separated into our reading groups. Followed by reading we also had a spelling test. I think I did okay but I won't know until I get my paper back. After our English session we had sport class. Today we were playing games. We had to play a running game in the gymnasium. As I was running from one end to the other this other girl in my class came up and pushed me from behind. I fell over and scraped my knee. It started to bleed. I looked up at the girl and she just laughed at me and continued running. I got up and walked to the side of the gym.
"Are you alright Heidi?  I saw what happened and I'll be having words with Jade after class for what she did".  Our Sport teacher told me.
"I'm fine I just need a Band-Aid". I reply without crying. It hurt and it felt like it was burning me. She just passed me a Band-Aid and I put it on my left knee. After class Anna came over to me and asked if I'm alright. I told her I was fine. She told me not to worry about Jade because she's like that with everyone.

As the last bell rang I walked out with Anna and I saw Penelope. I said goodbye to Anna and jumped into the car.

"Hey munchkin, how was you day?" She asked
"It was okay" I responded.
"What just okay? Do you want to talk about it" She asks concerned
"No. I'm alright, just tired. Where's Mom"? I ask Penelope
"She's not back yet so you'll stay with me until she comes back."
"When is she coming back?" I question.
"Soon hopefully, but you'll stay with me and we'll have lots of fun." she reassures me.
I didn't want to tell Penelope what had happened at school today. I just wanted Emily, she's my Mom and I don't know when she's coming back.

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