Heidi's Sleepover

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Heidi is having a sleepover at Anna's on the weekend. She's definitely excited and has not stopped talking about it. It was Friday and Heidi was having a sleepover with Anna that night. Heidi packed her bag with pyjamas and clothes for the next day. She grabbed her toothbrush and hairbrush from the bathroom and placed them in her school bag. The three of us get are in the car and I drop Heidi off at school. Once parked outside I reach over for a hug. This is gonna be my first night without her and I have butterflies.
"Have fun, behave and I love you." I tell her
"I love you too and I will." She replies.
She jumps out of the car and runs to Anna. They hold hands and run off together.
I leave and head for work.
Once at work we were all doing paperwork while Tessa slept. I assume she's sleeping alot today because of her little party last night. I then yawn.
"This boring for you Prentiss." Morgan sarcastically says
"No. I'm just tired. Tessa decided it to wake up in the middle of the night, so we were all up." I explain.
JJ walks past Tessa and myself. She stops to look at Tessa. She takes her out of her capsule without waking her and then decides to give her a hug. I smile at her. She asks if she watch her for a while so I can get stuff done. I accept the offer. She walks back to her desk with her and continues to work. I was able to get most of my paperwork done without being distracted. By that time Tessa had awoken and was wanting to be fed and changed. JJ passed her back to me.
By 4:30 I went home but it felt weird not picking up Heidi from school. It was eerily quiet not having noise coming from her room.

It was 3:15 when school finished and Anna's Mom picked us up.
"Hi Heidi." Anna's Mom Kate says to me
"Hi." I reply
We climbed in and went to her house. It was a 5 minute drive from school and once we got to her place, Anna takes my hand and drags me inside. She shows me around her house and then finally her bedroom. We put our bags down and decide to watch a movie.
"What movie do you want to watch?" Anna asks
"I don't mind." I reply.
I go through her dvd collection. She has so many dvds. The one that caught my was 'A Little Princess', so we got snacks and watched it. It was a wonderful movie and I loved it. I want the dvd of this movie. We then went into the backyard and played on her trampoline. That was so much fun. We jumped and talked out there until Kate called us in for dinner.
We had pizza for dinner then chocolate flavored ice cream for dessert. We went to her room again and played with her toys until it was time for bed. Luckily Anna had a double bed so I shared with her. We layed in her bed and we talked for ages.
"We can tell each other anything can't we?" I ask her
"Of course we can silly." She smiles
"You know Emily isn't really my Mommy." I tell her
"Why do you live with her then." She asks
"Because she adopted me. My real Mom and Dad are in heaven and my foster family hurt me so when Emily met me, she loved me and adopted me." I tell her
"Wow, I'm sorry for what happened to you." She replies
"It's okay, I'm fine but I don't really want many people to know. Pinky swear?" I ask
"Pinky swear." She replies and we lock our pinkies together.
"Where's your Dad?" I ask
"Mom and Dad split up when I was 6 but I still see him." She tells me
"Im sorry."
"It's okay, I still see him." She reminds me.
"We should have more sleepovers." I tell her
"Yes definitely."
We both talk for 10 more minutes then we fall asleep.
I wake up at 7:30am and I get up to go to the bathroom. When I got back Anna was awake.
"Morning." I say
"Morning." She replies.
"Lets make breakfast." She adds
"Okay, what are we gonna make?" I ask
"Yess!" I exclaim
"Wait are you allowed to use the stove without your Mom?" I question
"Yeah I know how to use it." She tells me
I smile. We head out to the kitchen and gather the ingredients. We mix it together and make 2 big pancakes each.
They were yummy so afterwards we get dressed and go and play in the yard. She had a basketball ring so we played basketball then we decided to do some handstands and cartwheels on the grass. Anna taught me how to do a cartwheel and I can't wait to show Mom when she picks me up soon. It was 11 am when Mom picked me up.

The night was quiet except for Tessa. I was awake before Tessa the next morning. I got myself breakfast and then I heard her cries so I got her up. I paced around the house not knowing what to do until it was time to leave.
Finally when that came I put Tessa in the car and I then got in and drove to Kate's place. I entered her driveway and it had a lusciously green front lawn. I got Tessa out of the capsule and carried her to the door. I knocked on the door and she answered.
"The girls are outside." She said as she let me in. We walk outside together.
"Anna is always talking about Heidi." She tells me.
I laugh.
"Same here. Those two are thick as thieves." I reply
She smiles.
"Heidi your Mom is here." Kate calls out
Both the girls coming running down from the back of the yard.
"Hey Mom." She hugs me.
I put one arm around her since Tessa was in my other arm.
"Can I stay a bit longer." She pleads with me.
"I'm sorry honey but we are catching up with JJ and Henry for lunch." I tell her
"Okay." She says with a small sigh.
"Get your stuff together please." I tell her.
The girls go inside.
"You know she is more than welcome to stay whenever." Kate tells me.
"How is this little one going?" Kate looks down at Tessa.
"She's good. She loves Heidi and the company of other people I've noticed." I tell Kate.
"Well she's just gorgeous." She coos at her.
"You got everything Heidi." I ask as she comes out of Anna's room.
"What do you say?" I tell her
"Thankyou for having me." She tells Anna and Kate
"No worried sweetie, anytime." Kate replies to her
The girls hug and we head for the car.

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