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Monalie's POV

New York is loud per-usual. To a visitor to the city that never sleeps, it's probably a cacophony. For me, it's uneventful; kinda boring even. The occasional news about the Foot Clan pops up here and there, but that's about it.

Oh, you must be wondering who I am? I'm Monalie Terras. I'm 16 years old and work part-time for the dance studio several streets from our apartment. I don't have a big of a job like the instructors, but I work as an assistant. Whenever there's spare time, I'd learn from the instructors how to dance. When you get past the hardship of the steps, dance is pretty fun to learn. You can feel your feet and heart move to the rhythm of music. Sometimes you can even feel the raw emotion of music as well. I can't wait to tell you about the first day I learned to......And I went a little overboard there, didn't I? Whoops.

Back to reality, It's 9:53 PM. My sisters should be back soon. Well, not counting Elisa in her room. She's working on another one of her art commissions. I'm not allowed to watch her do that art, which I understand. Art takes patience and privacy. It's like dance in an introverted way. Back to the topic, my other sisters should be back soon, but apparently they're not. Alessander must be doing something illegal and Clarise.....probably in the arcade again. I'm not surprised, honestly.

I huffed without realizing it and went into the kitchen to eat some leftover chicken or pizza. Honestly that's one of our daily foods. It's what we get from whatever money we receive from work. After re-heating some cheese pizza, I heard a thump at the fire escape outside our living room. My head snapped and I felt a little annoyed. "Welcome back. You're 53 minutes late." I told Alessander as she got under the window and threw something heavy in the corner.

"Yeah, well I was busy...." She responded in a bored tone while taking her jacket off. It's sopping wet from the rain. Ew.

"Busy with what?" I questioned while eating a piece of "I ain't tellin' you shit, Lee." Was her response, to which I rolled my eyes. "You pickpocketed another schmuck didn't you?" She didn't answer me that time.

Alessander's POV

To answer her question, yeah I did. 5 people actually. I ain't sayin' shit though, because I knew she'd rant at me again. Overbearing bitch.

You're probably wondering who I am. Alessander. That's it. I'm not saying much about myself other than I'm the delinquent sister of us. You'd be wondering why, but I don't care about what you're wondering. You know some shit, so you keep that in mind. Guess what your imaginative little hearts desire for all I care. It's all about perception, yeah? Yeah, sure.

"You did, didn't you?" Monalie looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I just shrugged and balled my jacket. It's wet from the rain but whatever. "Al, answer me." How about no? I just gave her a grin and went inside my room. You'd think that my room would be messy and shit, or full of edgy posters. That's Clara's room. Mine is pretty well-sorted, aside from the baseball bat on the end of my bed, the crowbar I left in the living room, and.....Okay its kinda edgy. The boxing bag in the corner looks very handy to use though, so why the hell not?

Monalie's POV
I groan at her failure to listen to me and set my pizza down. I should probably explain how we get our pay, huh? It's resourceful but....kinda weird in a way. Elisa and I get our money legally through work on my part and commissions on hers. Clarise gets her money in bets in the arcade and Alessander.....pickpocketing and if she's serious, break-ins. It's odd, honestly. It works well, though.

Speaking of Clarise, I could hear her whooping from the firestop. It made me smile. Sure she can be a ditz, but it's nice to hear her happy. That meant she's got good news.

Clarise's POV

"Hi Nalie! Look how much I got!" I got $50 in my hand when I jumped into the living room. "You wouldn't believe how I got this cash!"

"Playing Stepmania?" She guessed. "Nope! By playing Step.....yep!" Well, that was a fail. It's cool though! "I got it fair and square. Those nerds just didn't have the skill." I boasted awesomely, and that made Nalie roll her eyes.

"You go to the arcade practically every day. One of these days you'll end up in a DDR championship." She grinned and I nodded a lot to what she said. I hope they got one of those, oh! Probably a cheesecake eating championship too!

Shoot! You're probably wondering who I am! The name's Clarise Terras! I'm the little baby of my sisters and it's awesome! Have you seen my luck with my arcade skills? I can basically beat anything, especially on old-schoolies!

A roar and thump in the hallway was heard and I beamed. I do that a lot, y'know? "Sandy back from robbing a bank?" I guessed, and Nalie sighed. "Not a bank, Clarice. Hope not. Do you mind giving back her little metal beam? I don't like it in the living room." She pointed to the crowbar I noticed just now and I said sure! It felt a bit heavier than normal, but whatevs. I'm probably losing weight might be why. Skipping over to her room, I knocked. "Sandyyyyy! You forget your lil' buddy!" I sang, but yipped when she opened the door and glared.

"Gimme that." She took it out of my hand and slammed the door. Welp! Task done! Imma go check on Elly. Her room was right beside Sandy anyways. The funny thing about going in her room is that you don't gotta knock! She's so busy on her computer that you just barge in and get whatever stuff you needed without noticing! See? Just swing and-

Elisa's POV

"Gah!" Forgot to knock again. Neat. My eyes rolled as I spun my chair to face my little sister. Her face and some of her hair landed in a bowl of melted chocolate I left there. Thank goodies for calculations. "Y'know, there's always knocking. Then you wouldn't have literally fell for that."

"Uuuuggghhhh. What is this?" Clarice groaned and say up while pinching her hair. She smelt it and blinked. "Is this chocolate!?" I just shrugged and nodded. "Yeah. I asked Mona to get me some today for this trap. You wouldn't believe how long it took me to correct and re-correct the calculations to perfect this set-up trap-"

"Yeah, yeah traps and falling for it-what're you making???" Clarice bounced to my chair and I turned around to finish the art. It was a commission from one of my online friends. They'd pay me to make commissions, I'd send them the piece and get constructive feedback as a bonus. Pretty cool, huh?

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you who I am. Elisa Terra, age 16, occupation: artist and professional photographer. My workplace is the comfort of my own home and I only go out to resupply and materials needed in my room. I know, it's sounds like an introvert thing, which I'm certain it is, but I'm not so sure.

"Ellyyyy? Whatcha makin'??" Clarise was still here. Whoops. Spaced out again. "Another art piece for my friend. It's really important and takes extra time so can you go please? You smell like chocolate."

"Sugar cubes, I do??" No duh, since your face is painted with chocolate. "Yeesh! Better wash this off before it sticks onto my face! The boys ain't gonna like a face made outta sticky cocoa!" And with that, she ran off. A roll of the eyes and sigh was all I had to say before I began to finish the piece.

Monalie's POV

I chuckled at my sisters' antics and could see Clarise run into the bathroom. Another one of Elisa's successful pranks, I'm guessing. That's an average day here. Alessander is stuck in her room abusing that worn-out punching-bag, Elisa does art commissions and Clarice just does Clarice-things. You see what I mean by boring? That leaves me watching TV while finishing the pizza. Not too long and I get a phone call from one of my friends. I wonder why the call?

"Heya April! What's up?.....Nah I'm not doing anything tomorrow. Day-off. Why?"

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