Chapter 1

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After around a four-hour flight, another two hours driving and a message to Tara asking for directions to her house, Alexis was now finally cross the border into charming as she spotted the 'Welcome to charming' sign at the side of the road.

As she sped down the road heading towards her friend's house, pulling up to the curb she climbed out of her new car, leaving her luggage till later on when she had more energy to carry it in. walking up to the front door she spotted the plant pot that Tara had told her had an extra key in it for her to let herself in with. Rummaging around in the soil filled pot she found the key and opened the front door.

Lexi wondered around to familiarise herself with where everything was such as the living room, kitchen and bathrooms she decided to wait till Tara arrived home to find out which bedroom she would be staying in for the time being. After making some toast and grabbing a drink from the fridge Alexis headed back to the living room, flopping down on the coach ready to take a nap and catch up on some of the sleep she had missed traveling to Charming.

What felt like minutes had actually been about four or five hours of the young woman sleeping before she was disturbed by the sound of a revving motorbike pulling on to the street Tara's house was on. Pushing herself up she walked up to the window to see her friends climbing of the back of a bike that help a broad dirty blonde man, taking a wild guess she would say that had to be the one and only Jackson Teller that Tara never shut up about when they first met in Chicago at work.

Grinning the blonde-haired woman wore a grin as she opened the front door catching the attention of the two people, Jax looking confused and slightly alarmed that a stranger to him had just walked out of Tara's house, whilst Tara squealed happily, glad that Lexi had finally arrived.

"Lexi!" the dark-haired woman shouted as she charged towards her, barrelling into her nearly knocking the pair over before she started spinning them around in circles.

"It's been to long Tara." The blonde told her as they still span in circles now started to get dizzy almost all over as they both laughed at other.

After a couple of minutes passed Jax decided to walk over to them, hold him hand out slightly to Lexi. "I don't think we've met before, Jax Teller." He introduced himself as Lexi took his hand to shake, feeling him grip it tightly trying to intimidate her and size her up to make sure she wasn't a threat.

"Alexis Taylor, but everybody calls me Alex." She replied gripping in hand just as tight causing him to wince, making the girl smirk to herself.

Seeing what was happening Tara hit her friends shoulder making her break eye contact with the man in front of her, retracting her hand back to her side as she looked at the brunette that was giving her a look.

"What? I didn't do anything." Lexi rose her hand at Tara in mock surrender before rubbing her shoulder with a playful smile on her face earning herself a laugh from Jax.

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