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I have always tried to keep to myself, staying out of trouble was always something that was priority number one. Anna, on the other hand, is completely another story. The day started sunny, with only a few clouds to be found in the sky. The day of graduation was upon us. A day I never thought I would see.

My mind was pulled back to reality as I felt a presence standing close behind me," Don't you dare." Spinning around on my heel, I'm met by a now pouting Anna," How did you know it was me?" She looked at me with slight confusion, causing me to cross my arms," How long have I known you?" Anna accepts defeat, deciding to walk beside me as I set off. The corridor seemed quiet, considering the events of the day.

"So what are you going to do now?" Anna asked. I didn't have an answer, "I honestly don't know. I have a few options, I have some money saved up, but not enough to do anything important with myself. ." I let a soft sigh out, "Why don't you come with me? We could go to all sorts of places, we could see all sorts of things. Wouldn't you like to see the world?" Anna said with slight concern in her voice. This was a tempting offer, but something was pulling me in another direction. I had a few things left to do before the day started properly, then I would be able to leave this place behind me and move on, and maybe leave all my memories as well. "I need to go now, I have something left to do. I'll see you later." I said as I began down another corridor, towards the library.


It was another hour until I saw Anna again, walking up towards the hall the ceremony was being presented on. We all took our places, Anna and I were always sat together. One of the positives of having I and J as the first letters of our second names. There was a low hum of chatter until the head of the university started to speak to the crowd. I looked down in my lap, the heat of the hats and robe started to hit me in the moment. As the head rambled on about how proud he was and how honoured he was to have us at the university, the nervous grew. People become restless when they are nervous and of course the competition of who can cough the loudest was soon taking place. It was the little things that mattered, somethings never change as I hear my cousin next to me take her turn to cough. It wasn't to bad either.

Soon enough people were being called up to receive their degrees. It was starting to hit now, we were officially being thrown into the real world. I look around, the queue up to the stage growing ever shorter until my name was called. I take a couple of the steps up, focusing on not falling flat on my face. I could see Anna making her way off the stage, my worries laid at rest as I shook the head hand, taking the sheet of paper into my hand. There were a couple other people I had to shake hands with but no one important. Taking the railing to step down was almost like being granted freedom. It was over, none of us knew what would happen now but we would be ready to face it dead on.

I moved back to my seat quickly, passing by some of my other friends. We all congratulated each other, something that I was going to miss. We had had some pretty fun parties, some of them not always ending so well. Those were some of the few memories I'd keep, the ones that were worth saving instead of blocking out. Eventually, people started to move out of their seats to stand up. In sync, we all watched as our hats flew into the sky, a life achievement. Everything we had studied, all the last night cramming and all the hangovers had lead to this moment. Yet, it was over in a split second, a cheer erupting from the crowd. I turned to my right, hugging the only person who had stayed since day one. We had finally made it somewhere in the world. What could possibly be better than this?

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