Going Home

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"Hey, Naomi! I think me and Anna are going back to the boys' house. Come with?" I asked her.

"Nah, I'll stay here. Maybe another time. You've got some work to do...." She winked.

I sighed knowing exactly what she meant. She knew the signs. Of course, she did.

" Your loss I guess. Let's go!" I screamed walking out of the cafe. I had butterflies in my stomach by now. God, its been awhile. The last time I had this feeling was when I had a crush back in high school. Ugh, those days.

As I got into the passenger seat of the car (Anna went with Gerard and the others)I just started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?!" Mikey giggled.

"Well, I mean, it's not every day you go to your idols house." She smiled calming down.
"Ok, I can understand that," he said getting into the driver's side.


The car journey was short but sweet. I and Mikey really got along well. As we pulled into the houses drive way.  I watched as the gates open and as the two cars parked. As I was getting out I heard a woman's voice. I thought that it was probably Franks girlfriend or something. But then I watched as the woman walked up to Mikey and kissed him. 

I gasped and looked away. Before standing up I got myself together. Okay then. Mikey is not on the market then. I got up and out of the car, I then walked to the car the others were getting out of and tapped Annas' shoulder. She spun around and looked at me with a big grin on her face. I looked at her with a shocked face. "That chick over there," I pointed out the lady that kissed Mikey, "Well, she just kissed Mikey...." I watched as the smile turned into a straight face. "Really? Are you sure?" 

Once Anna said that Mikey cleared his throat and said, "Amy, Anna, this is my fiance, Colby."

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