2, The paper...

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I felt how I ran into someone and how the peson falled on the floor.. it was someone I never saw before. I looked at the girl a while then I said
- Look where you are going, I said while I raised my voice.
She looked at me and she didn't say something.
I walked away and I was thinking who she was because I have never seen her before. But she was Cute I think?

Martina's pov
I looked at him and I didn't say something. I didn't know what to say, he had green eyes and dimples.
- Look where you are going, I heard him say I felt how my body started to be warm and how I wished that, this never happened because this always happen to me when im in a new school.
I saw how a girl walked to me and helped me up. I smiled because It was really kind of her to help me, she is maybe in my class?
- Are you okey?, She said
I looked at her then said
- Yeah I think so, btw thank you
- I'm Mercedes and you?
- I'm uhm..Martina
She smiled when I told her my name.
- You'r new or?
- Yeah could you please show me where the room 136 is? I will have my first lesson there.., I looked at the schedule
- My first lesson is math
- Oh mine to, ohhh wait yes Martina the teacher told us a new girl called Martina will start in our class, welcome you're in my class, Mercedes said to me.
I smiled a little bit and we walked to the classroom we will have math in, I was nervous to met the other in my class because they will maybe don't like me but Mercedes was very kind. I whispered for myself
- I hope the boy who ran into me don't go in my class
We walked in to the classroom and I looked me around I saw him..the boy who run into me, Fuckkkk noooo I dont want him to be in my class.
- Look there is the new girl in our class welcome Martina!, the teacher said and everyone in the classroom looked at me, I started to shy because I don't like when someone look at me it makes me nervous when someone look at me.
- And Mercedes your late? but it's okay because you helped the new girl, She said while smiling
Mercedes nodded and sat down on her place.

I looked me around I didn't know where to sit, and when the teacher saw that I was looking around she understand that I don't know where to sit.
- Oh i'm sorry, you can sit next to Jorge don't worry he is kind, she said and pointed next to him.

Jorge's pov
When the teacher said she can sit next to me I said
- But Stephie sit next to me!
- I forgot but she can sit there today and when Stephie come I will change her place, and Stephie is sick today so she can sit next to you, the teacher said to me and I looked away. Oh my god she is so annoying! I don't want her to sit next to me this is stephie's place! and she will just be jealous if she know a other girl sit next to me and on her place.

I looked at the teacher when she gave the girl called Martina a math book and a pen and I saw that she see that it make me angry that Martina is next to me. I started to count and I felt a paper touch my back after 10 minutes. So I turned me around and saw a paper on the floor. I took the paper and opened it, and it was someone who wrote Your so hot Jorge!, I looked me around because I wanted to know who it was but everybody was counting without the new girl. I looked at her and I wanted to tell her that I have a girlfriend because I don't like that she write i'm hot.
- Eyy! you the new girl!, She looked at me and I said
- I have a girlfriend! and I don't want you to tell me i'm hot first I already know that! and I have a GIRLFRIEND LIKE I SAID
Martina's pov
- Uhm..., I didn't know what to say because I didn't understand? I didn't say he is hot? and I'm not even interested of him so. I saw how he went out from the classroom and I don't know why I was feeling bad.

I looked at the teacher and she nodded to me and I guess she mean don't care about him. I nodded back to her like it's okay, then I countined to work .
After 1 hour
The lesson end now so I took my things and walked out from the classroom. I put my things in my cabinet. And I saw a boy coming to me I don't know him but he go in my class.
- Hello, im sorry for the Jorge thing I wanted to joke with him and I didn't know he will be angry. But i'm sorry if you are sad or something, The boy said
- It's okay I know you didn't mean it
- I'm Diego Jorges best friend
I nodded and he walked away.

Jorge's pov
I looked at them and I was a little bit jealous but I don't know why because I don't know her and i'm angry on her she can't just throw a paper on my back and write that i'm hot?
I stand up and walked to her. because I wanted to know what Diego and she talked about.
- Eyyy you look at me!...
I'm so sorry I didn't like this part so much but yeah

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