Chapter 5

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"I just don't know what to do!" Pisti exclaims as warm tears steam down her flushed face. Wrapping my arms around her, I bring her head to rest on my chest, stroking her hair to comfort her.

"Shhh it's okay Pisti, he's shy, he probably didn't know what to do, or he felt bad that you were drunk. Spartos is a nice guy you know that, he wouldn't do anything to hurt you."  I say brushing her hair,

Pisti is the youngest out of all of us, so naturally we all take care of her, It's.. nice to have someone you care about and want to take care of, we're all really just a big family..

..exactly why I should stop thinking about our king in that way. He certainly doesn't help with all of his flirting, empty flirts, but flirts nonetheless.

"All generals to the docks right now!" The Devil's voice rang out from who knows where.

"Come on, you know when he calls we must go, let's see what he wants now." I say to Pisti bringing her to face me, giving her a soft smile.

When we arrived to the Docks, ships from The Kou Empire were docking. We all get in our respected positions. Sin in front, me and Yuam on his left, Jafar and Masrur on his right, everyone else behind him.

" 4th Prince of the Kou Empire my name is Rin Hakkuriyu," said a boy with a scar on the left side of his face and long blue hair.

"His majesty spoke of you to me." Sin began to get closer to the prince before he continues "Welcome to Sindria, who is that lady behind you Lord Hakkuriyu?"

We all turned our attention to the lady with pink hair.

"Lady Kyogoku?!" The prince exclaims in a panicked tone.

"Oh yeah, you mean the one who has the hots for Sinbad? Right?" Said Hinahoho

"She must have followed him here!" Exclaimed Pisti.

For some odd reason she was rubbing me the wrong way, something was off about her and I don't like it.

"Thank you for the other day, Pleasure to see you again." The princess smiles

"Likewise." Sinbad replied

"Woah, they're both acting normally?" questioned Pisti.

"Oh thank goodness, nothing happened." Jafar let out a sigh of relief.

"Wow our king could keep it in his pants for once." I say letting out a laugh, still unaware of the Princess.

"Aw snap!" Sharrkan says sadly.

"It's been a while hasn't it?" Sinbad asked the Princess. "We never got the chance to meet while I was in the Kou Empire did we? Well, I'm happy to be reunited with you now." He finishes with a smal laugh, suddenly the air became tense.

"Did I actually hear you say 'never got the chance to meet?'" The princess said really low.


Suddenly, the princess grabbed her sword and swung at Sin, who dodged it just slightly, getting his hair cut. We all stood back in shock.

"Curse you Sinbad. I resolved swallow my tears for the sake of my country if you apologized, but now I can't forgive you! I wanna duel Sinbad! For violating the body of a maiden you deserve to die!" Shouted the princess.  My heart sank.

"I knew it! What did you do?!" Shouted a very angry Jafar.

"I didn't do anything!" Sinbad Said worriedly.

"What is the meaning of this your highness?!" Retorted Jafar, now aiming his anger at the Princess.

The princess then began crying. I didn't know who to believe.

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