Ch. 10

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~Erin's POV~  

"Thank you," I yelled to the cheering crowd. I had just performed live as the opening act for The Wanted. Apparently, it sounded decent. "Now, I'll get my butt offstage so you can enjoy who you came here to see!" Cheers erupted again and I exited the stage. The boys were waiting just far enough back to where the crowd wouldn't see them and lose it. 

"Good job, Erin," they all chorused, pulling me into a group hug. I stood back. 

"Nice that you feel all's forgiven." 

"We're sorry. That was sort of cruel," Siva said. 

"You're a girl... Not that we don't know that..." Max trailed off, then shouted, "NATHAN AND TOM JUST WANTED TO SEE YOU IN A TOWEL TO INCREASE THE PRESSURE FOR THE BET," and he sprinted back into the dressing room. I raised an eyebrow before Jayne came over. 

"I heard yelling, what's going on?" 

"Um, that was Max and he just ran back to the dressing room. Everything's okay," I soothed. She was slightly on edge. 

"Okay, someone make sure he's out here, you go on in ten." Jayne walked away and I turned my back to Siva and Jay. 

"You two go get Max," I said, not breaking my glare at Nathan and Tom who were trying to slip away, "stop trying to get out of this you two. You'll be drunk later. I need this to be remembered tomorrow. Maybe I can convince Jayne to not let you drink." 

They looked astounded, "Erin, that's not fair," they whined. 

"Bull sh- sexual harassment isn't fair." They looked like beet roots."So, would you like to explain 'the bet'?" 


"Defiantly not." 

"Maybe I can get it out of Jay tonight," I said, my voice sickeningly sweet, "I can be very persuasive." 

~Tom's POV~ 

Oh no. Jay's going to win because we had to do something childish. We can't tell her though. 

~Nathan's POV~ 

I sure as hell wasn't telling her about the bet. Jay wouldn't take advantage of this- wait- would he? 

~Jay's POV~ 

Oh shit. I had forgotten about the bet. Six years isn't a lot when you get older, but now... Shit! I came out to see a freaked out Tom and Nathan. Erin had her back to me, but I didn't want to see the look she was giving them. It was enough to make two guys piss their pants. I'll pass. 

"Maybe I can get it out of Jay tonight. I can be very persuasive," her voice was dripping with a sweet venom. I gulped. Note to self- don't get on her bad side. 

"Nathan, Tom," I said, grabbing the, by their collars and dragging them away from her. 

"Guys, I think for all of our sakes, we should call off the bet." 

"No way!" 

"Jay! Why would we?" I needed a valid excuse... 

"I don't think, well, she was a freaking lip virgin before she moved in with us. Are you going to completely corrupt her?" 

"No, we're just going to show her how to live!" 

"Why? So she can get pregnant and have her whole life screwed up? What if one of you got thrown in jail? Hello, not legal? Under eighteen means its statutory rape." I took a breath. Despite all the different thoughts, I had rushed through it in one breath. I was doing okay on the spot. 

"Damn, I guess your right," Tom said shaking his head. 

"Well, I'm just eighteen. One or two years, that's not something you get thrown in jail for. Four or five, yeah, but not one or two!" 

"Tell her the bet. I dare you!" 

"You freaking dare me! Are you five?" 

"Yes," I responded, sticking out my tongue. 

"Boys, stage, NOW," Jayne screamed. 

~Erin's POV~ 

Having Jay know was kind of nice. The other guys thought that some porno was going to be shot in the back room so I could have information, and really, I just had to ask him and he'd probably spill. They came off for the second time, and I hugged and congratulated them like nothing was wrong. We started walking to the changing rooms because they wanted to shower before going to party. They'd hate me for all eternity, but I'd pulled a few strings. 

"Wait! What do you mean we can't go get royally pissed?" 

"I told you boys, we have to get to the next stop. Go to the bus and hang there tonight, okay?" 

The boys grumbled but trudged back to the bus. In truth, we'd probably get there half a day early now. Oh well. I got ready, waiting in the bathroom for the go-ahead from Jay. I was still riding a high from being on that stage. Finally, I came out, getting glares from Nathan and Tom who were relaxing on the sofa. So what? I rarely wore full length pants at home and only had the past two nights because I felt it was necessary. Jay may still like me and who knows, six years isn't a gigantic amount ten years from now. Who knows where I'll be then? For now, I don't need to worry about Jay, that's why I was wearing my short shorts that I wore around the flat.  

"Jay," I said when the door was shut, "what's the bet?" 

"Um, well, I need you to know that boys are pigs and..." 

"Jay, don't give the the freaking sex talk. Wait. Is that it? First one in her pants gets her? I went through all that bitchy crap I hate, for that?!?" 


"I'm going to lose it!" I rarely do this, but when I get really mad, I see red and do one of two things. I yell at whatever made me this mad until I have my vision returned to normal, or I breakdown. I did the latter. 

"Erin, it's okay, shh," Jay comforted, probably surprised to see me cry twice in one day since I'd never cried before today. Well, not in anyone's presence unless you count the thing with Max, but nobody knew about that. Even in my head I was a rambling emotional wreck. 

"Sorry," I sobbed. Freaking PMS. I tried to calm down and Jay just hugged me.  

"It's okay Erin, you're going through a lot at such a young age..." 

"What do you mean a young age?" 

"Oh, hi Siva, what's up?" 

"You okay Erin?" I nodded and he continued, "I was going to see if we had any FIFA takers. Not that late yet, but what do you mean 'young age'?" 

"Shut the door, Siva," I sighed as he stepped in. "I guess I have to explain and you won't just drop it?" 

"No, I want to understand." 

"No one outside of this room knows, okay, well, Jayne does, but... Never mind. Promise me something though, Siva, do you agree age is just a number and that you won't tell a soul or 'accidentally' tell someone?" 

"Sweetheart, you have my word." 

"I'm not seventeen. Or sixteen." 

"Fifteen," he said, looking astonished. 

"In a few months." 

He whistled quietly. "Fourteen. Who would've thought... Oh God." 

"It's fine. I know what you're thinking. I can deal with it. If all else fails I'll make it so they may never be able to have kids." 

Siva chuckled. "You are a twenty five year old in a fourteen year old body. Actually, a seventeen year old's body." I cracked a smile. Siva could tell I was still on the edge, and kissed me on the forehead and left. Jay held me as I broke down again, curling into a ball. I fell asleep- his arms protecting me.

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