2. Who's She?

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"No baby, we can't do that. I've called some servants and they are already on their way. Can't you stay just for half an hour? I'm really very sorry but I'm running late for the meeting. Please try to understand." Shivaay said to his wife.

She was still unsure about staying alone in that creepy mansion even if it's just for half-an-hour. Shivaay sensed her trouble and placed his right hand around her neck and pulled her closer by her arms with his other hand. He gently kissed her forehead to make her feel better. He could bring her there to his workplace but that would only be extra tiring for Anika after all that travel.

"Okay Shivaay. Even though I'm really scared but I trust you and I'll stay here for you!" she replied with a half-hearted smile.

"Thank you. Thank you so much sweetheart. I knew it you'll never disappoint me." he said with smile and hugged her.

He knew if he had cited the real reason he left her here, she would never agree. For as long as he's known her, she hardly takes any rest no matter how tired she would be. She was always so careless about herself.

She hugged him back.

"And yeah do call me immediately if there's anything or if you need anything. Just remember that I'm always with you." Shivaay said while caressing her hairs after pulling away from the hug.

She just nodded with a faint smile and he left with the hope that she would get some rest.

As soon as he disappeared from her view, Anika was more scared but she gathered up all her courage and took steps to go upwards.

"Anika! Please don't be afraid. You're not a coward. We don't want to add up to Shivaay's troubles right? Stay calm and take a look around the mansion!" Anika told herself.

She walked along the corridor that began at the end of the fleet of stairs. She looked around and saw several rooms in the right wing and a few more in the left wing. She proceeded to the first door on her right and opened it. As soon as she opened the door, a considerably thick spider web was snapped apart by the opening of the doors.

The room was a bedroom. It was all dark and dusky with only some tiny rays of light from the outside illuminating the darkness through the tiny holes on the thick curtain that hung to the floor. She walked inside the room.

As she took a few steps into the room, the door behind her immediately got closed. She turned behind impulsively to look at the person who closed the door but there was no one around.

"Who's there?" she asked.

But there was no reply.

"Shi... Shivaay... " She called his name out but, of course he wasn't there.

Suddenly she heard the sound of the windows being opened and closed in a very quick, yet rhythmic. It flipped her heart upside down. She was just speechless as she turned around and saw it opening and closing on its own.

She immediately went to close the window but in the rush, she got her hand stuck in between.

"Aahhh..." she winced in pain as she wriggled her hand and sucked her fingers which were hurt just now.

As soon as she winced in pain, she heard voices of laughing from her right side. It sent shivers down her spine. She turned to her right away at once only to find no one there. Was she imagining things or was it really happening to her? Then it struck to her, what if someone is playing a prank on her? What if a drug addict or someone made this place as their hub? It certainly can't be what she thinks it was. There had to be a logical explanation.

She closed the window and went back to the corridor to check who was laughing like this. But as soon as she took steps on right side, the voice changed its direction and started coming from left side.

Raaz:The Untold Secrets #ShivikaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora