Harry's rescue

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Chapter 2

Sirius felt numb as they reached the house. He wanted nothing more then to kill the Dursley's but knew it was of no use. Killing them wouldn't help anyone. Skylar was the one to knock on the door, completely changing her facial expression from fury to complete composer.

"Yes? Hello what is it you need?" Asked a tall women with blonde hair and a long neck.

"Hello Mama, My name is Skylar Pensive, I was wanting to ask about your nephew Harry." Skylar told the women in a kind voice with a gentle smile.

"H-H-Harry? T-th-there's no Harry hear." Petunia was quick to sputter out, trying to close the door but Sirius was too quick and put his foot in the doorway.

"Petunia! Move out of the way!" Sirius growled pushing the door open. Once the door was opened Skylar darted in, both men not far behind her.

"Petunia who's at the door?" The heard a gruff voice yell. Just then a big man with a large pink face entered the room. "Who are you?!" The man barked when he saw Skylar's dark face.

"Where's Harry!?" Surprisingly this was Remus who spoke so fiercely.

"So you've come for the freak then?" Vernon laughed "like anyone would want him!" This was Sirius's breaking point for he had his wand out now pointing it at the fat man.

"Tell me where he is!" Sirius ground out with venom.

"Look in there." Vernon told the young man a smug smirk on his face as if he knew this would further upset the young man. Sirius was where Vernon had pointed in seconds opening up the cupboard under the stairs. What he saw broke his heart. A small boy with messy black hair sat on a small cot in the cupboard. The little boy had bruises all over his little arms and his eyes— Lilly's eyes shone with fear.

"Hi Harry, my name is Sirius. I've come with a few of my friends to take you away from this place, would you like that?" The almost 3 year old's eyes brightened up when he heard the question.

"Y—y-yes I-I would." Harry told his godfather in a soft voice.

"Well then let's get going." Sirius told the little boy as he opened up his arms. At first Harry seemed hesitant but finally did go to Sirius. When Harry was in Sirius's arms, Sirius got up slowly turning back to his best friend and girlfriend. "Are you guys ready?" Both gave Sirius a curt nod.

"You can't actually take him that's kidnapping!" Vernon yelled a huge smile on his face. Sirius was boiling now.

"Skylar can you take Harry outside to wait for me?" Skylar nodded opening up her arms and giving Harry a motherly smile. Harry tilted his head looking at the girl squinting as if trying to see her clearly. Harry saw her kind amber eyes and immediately moved to the woman's arm. As soon as Harry was safe in Sky's arms she went outside quietly cradling Harry's little. Once Skylar was outside Sirius growled "unless you want to be taken to court for child abuse, I'd keep my mouth shut. Seeing as I have ways to make sure you get more than just a few years in jail. Do-I-Make-Myself-Clear?!" Sirius yelled the last bit making Vernon squeak.

"O-O-okay j-j-j-ust g-g-o." Vernon yelped his purple face now a sickly shade of pale.

"Good evening sir, Remus shall we take our leave?" Sirius asked turning away from Vernon Dursley.

"Yes I believe we shall." Was Remus responds as the two men left. Once they got outside they both smiled. Sirius was absolutely beaming watching the woman he loved with the little boy he also loved. There was Skylar Harry still in her arms lifting the little boy up high making him giggle and ask to go higher, so Skylar would jump trying to get the boy even higher.

"I think we might need to let you fly him on a broom when we get home Sky." Sirius called making Skylar yelp and move Harry back to her hip.

"Fly? On a b-bwoom? How?" Asked Harry immediately covering up his head asked as if he'd been hit.

"Well Harry do you believe in magic?" Asked Remus his eyes sparkling excited to see the boy reaction. Harry nodded slowly a blush forming on his face.

"That's amazing because magic is real, Remus, Sirius, me and even you when your older can do it!" Exclaimed the amber eyed girl.

"Rweally?" Harry asked his emerald eyes shining with innocence and wonder.

"Yep, your parents were too!" Announced Sirius a huge smile on his face when Harry perked up.

"You knew my parwents?" Asked Harry a smile playing on the two year old's lips.

"Yep we were their best friends, that why Sirius is your Godfather, Skylar is your Godmother, and I'm your unofficial godfather." Remus told the little boy.

"Can you tell me abowt them?"

"Of course we will, but first we need to go and meet someone. At a school called Hogwarts it's a place you'll go when your older." Sirius told the little boy while ruffling his hair. Harry's eyes grew in fascination.

"Okay Harry we're going to apparate to get there, so hold on tight. This might make you feel a bit sick." Remus told the boy softly. Harry held on closer to Skylar. It only took a second and they were right outside Hogwarts castle. Harry was a little green but had a smile all the same.

"That was rweally cool!" Harry yelped out after his face faded back to his normal color. Skylar giggled at the little boy.

"Wow! Your the first first time apparated person to enjoy doing it!" Sirius laughed a little at the boy. Harry's little face gained a pink tinge. "Well let's get to Dumbledore's office, then to Pomfrey to fix up those bruises." Remus and Skylar both nodded as they went through the huge castle. Once they reached the door of Dumbledore's office, Harry got a bit nervous though he didn't know why. Once they had said the password they were met by another door, in which Remus knocked little.

Soon after, a kind voice announced "come in."

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