[16] Adhan part-1

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Is it permissible to have a religious talk or to read the Quran while adhan is being called?

Dear Brother / Sister,
Adhan, which is recited from the minarets five times a day, is one of the most important signs and symbols of Islam. Whenever adhan is recited, tawhid (oneness) and prophethood are declared, and people are called to prayer, which is the most important truth after belief. Therefore, it is the necessity of the belief of a believer to answer the divine call.

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, "When you hear adhan, say what the muezzin says." (Muslim, Salat 7) Accordingly, Hanafis say it is wajib because the order expresses obligation. Some of the Malikis, and Zahiris hold this view, too. According to the majority, among whom are Imam Malik, Shafii, Ahmad and Tahawi from Hanafis, it is not wajib but mustahab (recommended) to answer adhan by words. (Davudoğlu NI/27; lbn Hajar, Fathu'1-Bari, N/92-93; Ayni, IV/280)

A person who reads the Quran and glorifies Allah on his own should stop them and answer adhan. However, if a person reads the Quran in a mosque and if others listen to him, he can go on reading the Quran.

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