Chapter 2 - Welcome

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"What are the Akiron?"


Coran stared blandly at the yellow paladin for a few moments before sighing and beginning to twiddle his moustache. "Well, my boy, while we're all here together, I'll explain what I know." The Altean man began to speak, only to cut himself off by looking at the frail Akiron in question. "If you don't mind, of course?"

Receiving a shake of a head, Coran resumed his explanation.

"The Akiron are a species thought to be myth, fake, something out of a bedtime story. There is only one Akiron in power over the entire nation, and they hold all control over everybody on the land, despite not being a dictator. All Akiron have three eyes, the third being on their forehead. This third eye, when used, can see anybody and any place the user wishes, as long as they have access to full concentration. Furthermore, the only one who can use this ability, is the ruler at the time." Coran finished explaining to the paladins before looking to the Prince. "That is correct, yes?"

Nodding meekly, you blinked a few times and sighed. "Correct. As the Prince of the Akiron nations, I hold the ability of third sight. I can see any place and any person I wish. The Galra had me captured so that they could mine my planet for it's quintessence and force me to use my sight against you Paladins and Alteans."

Lance sighed and shook his head in slight concern. "How did you escape?" He questioned, a perturbed glower taking over his usually calm features.

"Seduced a few of my guards and killed them. Used my sight to find the hangar and steal an escape pod." You responded with a quiet sigh and looked away. Your response had received a couple of surprised expressions from multiple of the paladins, excluding both Keith and Takashi who looked mediocre at the time. "Could we... Could we please move on from these sorts topics?"

Receiving a nod from both of the Alteans, you began to relax back into your seat. "Where am I to be staying?" You asked, not to anybody in particular. 

"Well," Coran began to speak, "seeing as we have no rooms prepared at the moment and it is getting late, I suppose you can stay with one of the Paladins for tonight and we can get you a room sorted out for tomorrow. Now, who-"

Before the male Altean could finish his question, Lance, the blue paladin, piped up with a boisterous grin, rising to his feet and pointing to his chest with one thumb. "I volunteer as tribute! He can stay in my room, I've got a whole load of old blankets and stuff-"

"So it was you who stole my blankets!" Pidge exclaimed furiously, though Lance only brushed them off and continued to speak.

"As I was saying, a whole load of old blankets and cushions you could use! How does that sound, pal?" 

You could only stare in mild amusement at the green and blue paladin. "I think... I think I'll stay with the red paladin. He certainly seems calmer and more equable." You retorted, barely able to hear Lance's horrified shrieking and Pidge's laughter over the silent yet oh-so deafening stare that the red paladin was sending you. 

"Keith it is then!" Coran exclaimed before leaning close to whisper in your ear, "Though I must warn you, you may find a knife or four on the floor while you're sleeping." 

Stifling a giggle, you nodded in understanding and stood up, brushing the dust from your clothes and smoothening out the fabric. "Keith will show you the way to his room." Coran instructed, causing the red paladin to rise to his feet and sigh with the effort. 

"Follow me." 

Nodding, you hurriedly trotted after the crimson clothed male and followed him through the complex corridors, eventually reaching a door which slid open to reveal a barren bedroom, with no more than a bed and little table inside it. Raising an eyebrow, sent the paladin a questioning smile, causing Keith to respond with an exasperated sigh. "Yeah, yeah. I know. It's boring. I'll get you your stupid mattress and stuff. You can wait in here."

He promptly gave you a gentle shove into the bedroom before leaving you by yourself. Grumbling quietly to yourself, you began to wander around the room, soon opting to just sit on the edge of Keith's bed. Deciding to investigate Coran's earlier words, you began to dig around the bed and search beneath the pillow, your lithe hand soon finding purchase on a smooth metal handle and some coarse fabric. Pulling the strange item out from beneath the pillow, you began to scan and explore its surface with clear confusion. Putting two and two together, you soon realised that it was in fact a knife wrapped up in fabric. 

You heard footsteps approaching and haphazardly shoved the concealed weapon back under the pillow just in time for the door to slide open and reveal both Keith and Shiro, struggling to balance a mattress between them both and fit it through the doorway. "Having fun there, guys?" You asked with a sly grin while Keith projected a foul scowl in your direction. 

"Shut it." Keith retorted, causing Shiro to huff and scold the younger male for his somewhat rude response. You, however, only laughed in retaliation. "Do not worry, Black Paladin, he could have said something far worse." 

Keith turned his head and stuck his tongue out at Shiro as they finally managed to shove the remaining half of the mattress through the doorway and plonk it down onto the floor. "Well, now that that's done, I guess I'll leave you guys to it. Come out and let me know if either of you need anything, I'm in the room three down to the right." Shiro sent his reassurances before retreating back to his room, leaving you and Keith there in silence. 

Losing yourself in a bored daze, you didn't notice the Red Paladin balling up a massive armful of blankets until said bundle hit you in the side of the face, successfully knocking you down onto your side. "Hey-!" You immediately whined, clutching the ball of fabric close to your chest as you sat up once again. "Calm down, it's just blankets. There's some clothes in there for you too, you can get changed in the bathroom while I change in here." Keith instructed, encouraging you to eventually rise to your feet and make your way into the bathroom to get changed. 

After doing so, you reappeared in the main section of the room to find that the lights were turned off and Keith had already gotten into bed, seemingly asleep.

Deciding that you didn't want to wake the Crimson Paladin up, you stalked your way across to the mattress and laid down, snuggling up in your miniature fort of blankets for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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