• Twenty four •

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Monday, the worst day of the week. Why? It means going back to the hell hole that is school. Being in my final year isn't so bad, there's plenty of parties and laughs but there's also a lot of exams and assessments - those I'm not so fond of. I've also got to write this stupid article at some point. In addition, my life is more complicated now... Park Jimin being Park Jimin has made my light levels of stress sky rocket. What a peasant.

"Miss Chang were you even listening?" Mr Jung asks from behind his solid wood desk. Quiet snickers can be heard from around the classroom, a scoff is let out directly next to me.

"Stupid" Yoongi mumbles out.

"Sorry sir!" I say quickly to the teacher who instantly gets back to whatever he was doing. My head snatches to the right, glaring at the blonde boy, whisper shouting "I suggest you keep your mouth shut before I make you drink the bleach you pitifully colour your hair with"

He scoffs again, dropping his head into his hand, covering his eyes. After a few seconds he parts his fingers so one eye can peak through. "I miss nerdy Nari, she was fun to mess with, now you sound like us" He talks amusedly, a hint of spite in his tone. I lean over to the right, pressing my hands down on his table, "and who's fault is that?" I groan.

"Yours, you willingly allow it"

"I do not!" I shout. The startled student and teacher whip around to stare at us both. I chuckle awkwardly, sliding my hands back to me. "Sorry" The embarrassment high in my voice but Mr Jung sighs while pointing to the classroom door. "Out" He says calmly.

Grudgingly, I pick up my bag, dragging my feet as I leave the stuffy room while mumbling incoherent cruses about Min Yoongi. Why does this always happen to me? Just as I'm wrapped up in my own messy thoughts Kim Namjoon comes strolling down the hall. Pride and obnoxiousness radiating off him. You're not better than me. We're both too proud to admit.

"Yah" I shout, making him jump and almost drop his books. Don't act so innocent. "What are you doing out of class, are you ditching? Ooo I'm telling" I sneer, he just looks at me and smirks. Okay what is happening?

"I'm taking important documents to the principle because I'm the most trusted student" He grins and I immediately want to slap those 'important documents' out his hands.

I push back my arrogance and ask what the important documents are, to which I get nothing but a blank stare. "Ah top secret, okay okay, move along nerd"

"You're too like Taehyung, it's weird" The boy shakes and grimaces at the same time. "You need a break from him"

Agreeing, I nod my head as I sigh. "Yeah well I'm not going to get that being as we go to the same school Namjoon. This is Taehyung," Motioning with my hands I life my left hand, "this is me," then my right "and this is what school makes us do" eventually bringing the two hands together as I finish speaking. He chuckles in response.

"Well you're lucky today" He says bluntly, evidently wanting to move off so he doesn't get in trouble.

I shift and look up to the tall ball, cocking my head to left in a confused way, "how come?" I ask.

"Tae's off sick today" He says lastly before walking away, leaving me wondering how he got so sick all of a sudden. Is he just skipping? After wondering for a couple minutes, I take out my phone shooting the Jungkook a text. He's a rebel so he'll text back.

Me: do you have taehyungs No.

It's around 5 minutes before I finally get a reply.

Gossip guy:

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