Karkats affair (valentine special)

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>don't worry I'll get one done relating to you!<

Karkat and nepeta
Fluffy ends up watching romcoms and drawing out ships for it fluffy cocoa dates and flowers

Karkat and past Karkat
Incest obviously lots of weird looks (touching?) romcoms obviously get along because of interests

Karkat and aradia
Sad and confused relationship Sollux and equiss try to interfere

Karkat and Tavros
Uplifting leaning on each other cute and supportive fluffy blankets

Karkat and Sollux
Typical bromo video games and yelling cool ass bro time

Karkat and kanaya
More of a motherly love (honestly I can't see this kanaya is meant lesbian) supportive almost morials instead

Karkat and terezi
I can see this one working the most cute walks romcoms and candy making sure no chalk is eaten roleplay

Karkat and vriska
Yelling so much kismesis constant transgressions between matesprite and kismesis love fighting hate snogs

Karkat and equiss
No equiss don't not approve never having a quadrant with a low blood

Karkat and gamzee
Cute shoosh papping baking lots of tall gamzee picking up smol Karkat bridal style

Karkat and eridan
Sex complications flirting

Karkat and fefri
Soft and fluffy girl talk hair styling makeup almost like a girly sleepover all the time

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