Valentine's day

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Skeeter was in the kitchen making breakfast for his love. It was there first valentine's day together and he sure wanted to make it special. He went upstairs with a tray with breakfast for both of them and a red rose. He went quietly into the bedroom to see his beautiful redhead peacefully asleep. He just stood there for awhile looking and admiring her. He felt so lucky to have her in his life. She put light back in his life and made him the luckiest man on earth.
He put the tray on his nightstand and crawled in bed with her. The satin sheets covered half of her amazing body. He couldn't believe she was in her 60's, she looked incredible. He took the red rose and slightly stroke her arm with it. He loved to see her waking up. He stroke a strength hair out of her face and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.
"Good morning my love"
She had her eyes still closed but a smile came on her lips. She groans lightly. This was a sign for him to continue what he was doing. He placed another soft kiss on her lips which she answered by kissing him deeply. She opened her eyes en looked straight in his big brown eyes.
"Hi there beautiful" she had a big happy smile on her face.
"Good morning my love. Happy valentine's day sweetheart"
"Happy Valentine's Day baby"
They kissed each other passionately. She put her arms around his neck and pulls him closer. She kissed his lower lip and when he opened his mouth there tongues battles with each other. He moans softly.
"Sweetheart I love you so much"
"I love you to"
He ended the kiss and stroke her cheek. He looked in her deep blue eyes and couldn't do anything but smile.
"How much I want you right now, let's continue this later honey. I have a surprise for you first."
Reba's eyes got big.
"A surprise for me?"
"Yes my love, the first of many today."
He got out of bed, took the tray and puts it on the bed.
"Breakfast in bed for my lovely girl."
Reba got a little chocked up by the sweet surprise of her lover.
"Oh baby that's so sweet of you. Thank you."
She pulled him close and gave him a deep kiss. He got into the bed, crawling up close to her and they ate the breakfast he had made.
"That was really good . Thank you."
"You're welcome honey."
They shared a sweet kiss.
"So you said this was the first surprise of many?" Reba said with sparkles in her eyes.
"Yes it is. I arranged some things today to make our first Valentine's Day together extra special."
"Oh you're so sweet. I'm so happy to have you in my life."
"I'm also very happy for that. You put the light back in my life honey. I hope this will be our first Valentine's Day and there will be many to come the next years."
"There will be baby. I want to be with you for the rest of my life."
They kissed softly.
"So knowing your morning routines it's probably time to do your exercises right now."
Reba chuckled. "Yes it is."
"Great while you are doing your exercises I will take a quick shower and get prepared for the next surprise."
"You're the best."
He winked at her "I know"
The both laughed.
When Skeeter was in the shower Reba couldn't focus on doing her exercises. She wanted to be close to her lover so she quit and went quietly to the bathroom. She saw him standing in the shower and got turned on. Oh she wanted him badly. She got out of her nightgown and went into the shower very  silently. Skeeter had no idea what was going on until he felt her warm arms around him and the wet open mouthed kisses on his back. He moans loudly and turned around. He cupped her face and kissed her deeply. There hands were all over each other and she felt his excitement. She made a path of wet kisses from his neck down to his thighs. She showered the inside of his thighs with tender kisses before taking his hardness in her mouth. Skeeter was moaning loud due to the pleasure she was already giving him. He closed his eyes and stroke her hair. He enjoyed this so much. He was so turned on that it wouldn't take long before he would come. She looked at hem, saw how he was enjoying it and smiled. She pulled herself back up and kissed him passionately.
Between kisses she moaned "I'm craving you baby. I want you inside me."
They looked at each other and their gazes locked. Reba pulled herself up and wrapped her legs and arms around him. While kissing each other he walked them over to their bedroom. He dropped her on the bed while straddling and kissing her. He shoved his hand between her legs and let his fingers do the work. She moaned loudly.
He moaned "God, you're so wet."
"Take me now baby, i can't wait any longer"
He held her legs on his shoulders and thrusted himself into her wet depth over and over. They kissed deeply moaning while they broke for air.
"Oh baby I gonna come" she whined.
He twisted his hips and rubbed her clit which made her cry out moaning very load. When he heard her coming he couldn't take it anymore. He throws his head back in ecstasy and collapsed into her moaning loud. He buried his face in the crease of her neck while he regained his senses. When there breathing was normal again he got out of her and crawled next to her. She cuddles close to him and looked into his eyes.
"That was amazing."
"I know. I enjoyed it so much honey."
"Me too. It was perfect." They kissed each other deeply.
She rubbed his chest and put sweet kisses on it.
"What have you planned for today baby?"
He smiled at her "I thought that we could see a play or movie this afternoon and have a nice, romantic dinner by candle light tonight."
"That dinner sounds lovely."
He winked at her "Great cause I already made a reservation."
She laughed "then we certainly have a romantic dinner tonight. But baby is it ok for you to stay inside during the day? I just want to relax with you and be as close as possible all day long."
He stroke her cheek and give her a sweet kiss "sounds perfect to me."
"Anything for you me love. Love you."
"Love you to."
After cuddling for a while they showered again, got into something comfortable and went to the living room.
"Wanna see a movie sweetheart?"
"Great idea. Any ideas on which movie to choose?"
"Let's see. I suggest that I pick some titles out and you pick your favourite."
Skeeter looked over at all the DVD's at the house and choose 3 movies. He went back to sit next to his girl.
Reba already got them some drinks. "Ready baby?"
"Yeah I have chosen 3 and you can pick your favourite. You can choose between: p.s. I love you, the sound of music or love actually."
She grinned at him. "Oh I love all 3 of them but I have one all time favorite..."
"Let's watch the sound of music." He smiled widely when he finished her sentence.
They laughed.
"You already know me so well baby."
"I do my very best sweetheart."
They gave each other several sweet kisses. When they broke their kisses Skeeter got up and put the sound of music into the DVD player.
"Baby before you press play, wait a minute. I have a present for you."
Skeeter looked surprised at her. "A present? For me?"
"Yes for my sweet valentine."
She got to the cabinet and took the present out. She walked over to skeeter and handed him the gift with a kiss."
"Happy Valentine's Day my love."
"Oh thanks honey."
He opened the present and his eyes got big. Inside was several equipment he could use while doing photography.
"Oh honey that's just what i needed." He looked at her with little tears coming into his eyes.
"I know. I listened to your story's about photography very carefully and noticed that these were the things you needed. So I bought them for you."
He walked over to her and kissed her deeply. Their kiss quickly got heated. He put his hands on her hips and their tongues were fighting their battle. They were interrupted by the doorbell.
"crap." Reba sighted.
Skeeter laughed "open it honey, I think it's for you."
"What? How do you know?"
"Cause it's another surprise for you." He winked at her.

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