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Reba and skeeter were sitting in the living room talking about there plans for the next weekend.
"I really look forward to have River Rose coming over for a whole weekend. It's been years since I could do that."
"I'm sure both of you will enjoy it tremendously. Any ideas what you will do with her?"
"No not yet. Suggestions?"
"What does she likes to do?"
"She likes singing, dancing, girly stuff but she also likes to be a total brat." She laughed.
"Well since she comes over for 2 days maybe you can do girly stuff on the first day and some active things on the second day."
"Oh yeah. Great idea honey."
"I think that will be fun."
Reba thought for a while. When suddenly she raised her hand and said "I know what we can do."
Skeeter laughed because of Reba's inspiration.
"Let me hear it honey."
"The first day we will have a spa day. Painting each other's nails, doing each other's hair, soaking in the hot tub for a while, and all that kind of stuff. And at night we can sing and dance together."
"That sounds likes a lot of fun."
"And maybe on the second day we can go camping at the jellystone park here in Nashville. It's a family park and great place to go to with a toddler."
"She will like that. You're a wonderful grandmother."
"Aww thank you honey." She pecked a kiss on his lips.
Skeeter got a huge grin on his face.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Nothing" he said as innocent as he could.
Reba walked over to him, put her arms around him and looked him straight in the eyes.
"Come on honey, tell me"
"I thought  that I would like to soak in the hot tub with this grandmother." He started to blush.
"Oh you dirty mind." She laughed and kissed him softly on the lips.
"I know sorry."
"Don't say sorry. I love the idea, let's do it." She winked at him with a huge smile on her face.
"I don't have any swimsuit with me."
"Who is talking about swimsuits here?"
"Oh now you are the dirty mind my dear love."
"You love that."
"Yeah I do."
The both laughed and kissed each other deeply. The went to the hot tub, holding hands. They put of there clothes and went in it. Reba was sitting between his legs and let her head rest on his chest. He put some sweet kissing on top of her head.
"You will enjoy spending the weekend with your grand baby."
"Yeah I will."
"I think I will take some pictures that weekend."
Reba turned around.
"What? You're not gonna be with me, us, for the weekend?"
He stroke her cheeks.
"I think it will be good if you are alone with your granddaughter, sweetheart."
"But I will miss you." She pouted her underlip.
He laughed and gave her a sweet kiss.
"Since we've been dating, we have been weekends and weeks apart baby, and you survived that to."
"I know but things are different now."
"How do you mean things are different?"
"When we were first started dating I thought a lot about you when you were not with me. But now, a few months later, I really miss you when you're not with me. It really feels like a part of me is missing at that moment."
"Oh honey, that's so sweet. I also miss you a lot when you're not with me."
The looked in each other's eyes and kissed passionately.
"Honey how much I want to be with you, all the time, I think it will be good if you also spent some time alone with River Rose. She needs and deserves your full attention."
"Mmm I know. Ok I have an idea. What If I spent the first day alone with her during our spa day and the second day you will go to jellystone park with us."
He laughed "you're such a smart woman. Ok we will do it that way."
"Great. I love you."
"Love you to."
They spent some time in the hot tub together, enjoying each other's company.

At Friday afternoon Reba went to Kelly's and Brandon's house to pick up River Rose.
She was talking to them when River Rose came down the stairs.
"Grandma!!!" She ran as fast as she could and jumped into Reba's arms and gave her a big hug.
"Hi there sweetie. I missed you so much."
"I missed you to grandma."
"How is my sweet little nugget?"
"I'm fine. I'm a big girl."
Reba laughed.
"I know you are sweetie. That's why we will do all big girls things today like painting our nails, doing our hair, bubble in the hot tub, singing, dancing and all those fun things."
"Yeah. That will be so much fun."
"She will really like that mam."
Reba giggled. "I know, and i will too."
River Rose looked up at her grandma.
"Grandma, will Skeeter be there too?"
"No baby he won't. It will be just me and you today."
"Ow" she said while pounding her lips.
"Mom is everything still ok with the two of you?"
"Yeah absolutely, why?"
"Because the last months you guys were almost always together. And now it will be just you and River Rose." Kelly said.
Reba laughed.
"And with that you think that there is something going on?"
Both of them nodded there heads.
"No we're perfectly fine. We just think that it will be nice for River to have my full attention today."
"Aww Reba, that's really sweet of you."
Reba looked back at River rose. "Hey don't pound your lips. Today will be just me and you but tomorrow he's going with us, camping at jellystone park."
River Rose started to clap her hands. "Yeah!!!!"
They all started to laugh.
"She really likes him, and so do we."
Reba smiled "I really like him to."
"Yeah we can tell. You look so happy since you met him."
"Aww thanks Kelly."
"I'm really happy for you, mom. You deserve it."
"Thanks baby."
She hugged her son and daughter-in-law.
"Ok kiddo, ready to go."
"Here is her stuff mom."
"Thanks honey. Now the two of you enjoy the peace and quit at the house now this little brat will be gone for two days."
"We definitely will." The both winked at her.
They kissed each other goodbye and Reba drove to her house with River Rose. They put al her stuff in her room and went to the living room. First they painted each other's nails. Reba couldn't stop laughing and looking admiring at her little grand baby when she was really concentrated on getting her grandma's nails looking perfect. After that they played hairdresser for a while and they had an amazing time together. When they were sitting in the hot tub little River was laughing hard about the wrinkles she and Reba got from soaking in the water. She played with some toys while Reba took her phone and saw she had two messages. The first one was from Kelly asking how everything is going. She send her a text that everything was perfect and with that she send a picture of river playing in the hot tub. The second text was from skeeter.

Skeeter: hi baby how is everything going over there? Miss you and love you xxx
Reba: Hi honey. Miss you too, very much. Here is everything great. Had our nails done, played hairdresser and now she is playing with her toys in the hot tub. Love you xxx
Skeeter: sounds like a lot of fun. Happy you girls are enjoying it. Xxx
Reba: yeah we sure do. River asked for you when I picked her up. She pounded because you wouldn't be here, but she really looks forward to see you tomorrow. She likes you very much... and so do I xxx
Skeeter: aww that's so sweet of her. I love to see her back tomorrow. Xx
Reba: what are you doing today my love? Xxx
Skeeter: not much. Watching some tv and thinking about you. Xxx
Reba: oh you are so sweet. I think about you too. Xxx
Skeeter: can't wait to hold you back in my arms tomorrow. Xxx
Reba: why waiting till tomorrow? Can't you come over when River is asleep? I really miss you and want to hold you. Xxx
Skeeter: I do anything for you my love. At what time is she going to bed? Xxx
Reba: about 7 o'clock. Xxx
Skeeter: perfect, I'll be there around 7:30. Xxx
Reba: perfect. See you in a couple of hours handsome. Love you xxx
Skeeter: love you too my beauty. See you in a couple of hours xxx

Reba had a huge smile on her face when she put her phone away. Soon they went out of the hot tub and put their pj's on. She let River help making dinner and they ate together while talking and laughing. Around 7 o'clock she tucked River into bed and read her a bedtime story.
Reba: good night my sweet angel and sweet dreams.
River: goodnight grandma.
Reba: love you baby girl.
River: love you too grandma.
She kissed river's head, put on the night lights and closed the door.
Downstairs she cleaned up and send a text to Skeeter.

Reba: River is in bed. Text me when you're here so i can open the door. Don't ring the bell it could wake River. Love you xxx
Skeeter: Ok honey I will send. I'm almost there. Love you too xxx

15 minutes later she got another text from him.
Skeeter: Prince Charming is waiting at your door. Xxx

Reba laughed when she read it. She opened the door and looked behind Skeeter.
"What are you doing?" He laughed.
"Looking for Prince Charming. I got a text he's her" She couldn't stop laughing when she saw his face. He took her by her waist and put her close to him.
"Sorry I kicked his ass. No one is touching my princess." He smiled at her.
She laughed really hard.
"God I love your humor."
She kissed him welcome en lead him into the house. Then she noticed he had a bag from the night store in his hands.
"What's that?" She asked while pointing at the bag.
He looked at the bag and back to her "I thought my princess would love some ice cream."
She got a huge grin on her face.
"You bet she does."
They walked over to the couch, watched a movie and shared some Ben & Jerry's ice cream. After the movie they went to bed and slept holding each other close.
At 6:30 in the morning River woke up and went to her grandmothers bedroom. She was surprised but also happy to see skeeter next to her grandma. She went over to him and woke him by cutely repeating his name. He opened his eyes and saw the cute little 3 year old jumping in front of him, shouting his name.
"Hi there River. Did you sleep well?"
"Hi skeeter, yes I did. I slept in a big girl bed, cause I'm a big girl now."
"You sure are. No get up here."
He helped her into the bed.
"You wanna wake grandma?" He asked with a grin on his face.
River smiled widely.
"Let's jump and wake up grandma." He laughed.
He didn't need to repeat that. She started jumping and shouting "grandma!"
Reba opened her eyes and smiled at her granddaughter.
"Hey hey don't jump on the bed like that little nugget." She took River down en tickled her.
River couldn't stop laughing. "Skeeter told me to."
"He did?" She looked at skeeter next to her who was laughing loud.
"Alright then let's tickle Skeeter."
He shouted "no, no" but it was to late he had the two of them who tickled him.
They all laughed really loud.
"Stop, stop, I gave up. You girls won."
Reba and River stopped and high-fived each other. Reba took river and put her back on the floor.
"Ok kiddo, let's go to your bedroom and take your clothes which are on the chair. I'll be there in a minute.
"Ok grandma"
When River was out of the bedroom she turned to her lover.
"Good morning honey."
"Good morning sweetheart."
They shared a short but passionate kiss.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked while rubbing some hair out of her face.
"Very well. Always when I lay next to you." She winked. "What about you?"
"The same answer."
The kissed and hugged for a little bit before getting up and ready.
They ate breakfast together before getting to the park. They rented a mobile home for one night. When they unpacked their stuff the went swimming, ate ice cream and let River play at the playground. They were watching River play while they were sitting at the bench.
"I love this day. It's so much fun."
"Yeah it is. River is such a sweet girl."
"Yeah she is. And you are so good with kids."
Skeeter laughed "I had some practice at home with 4 kids."
"You are a incredible grandma. I already love you but after today I love you even more."
"Aww baby you're so sweet."
She quickly looked at River who was playing with her back towards them before she gave him an intense kiss.
"Love you."
"Love you too sweetheart."
The afternoon went by and the ate french fries and a burger. Later that night they tucked river in bed together and Skeeter told her a bedtime story. When River was asleep they drunk a glass of wine and watched some tv together. When they were in bed they heard River screaming for Reba. She immediately went to her bed where river was crying.
"What's up baby girl?" She asked while comforting her.
"I had a nightmare."
"Oh baby girl. Come her." She gave her granddaughter a big hug.
"Can I sleep with you? I'm scared here alone. I don't know this room" River said with tears falling down her cheeks.
"Ok for once you can. Come up kiddo. Don't forget your bear."
They walked to the bedroom together.
"Skeeter can I sleep with you? I had a nightmare and I'm afraid alone in that room."
Reba and skeeter shared a look before he nodded.
"Sure get in sweetie."
River laid between reba and skeeter with her bear close to her.
"Grandma can I hold your hand? I'm scared."
"Sure you can baby."
The were holding each other hand when river looked at skeeter. Without saying anything he also hold her hand and like that all 3 of them felt asleep.
In the morning everybody got showered, they ate breakfast together and after some more playing at the playground they went home to the house of Kelly and Brandon. They already opened the door when the car drove into the driveway.
"Hi baby girl, I really missed you!" Kelly said when she got River jumped into her arms.
"Mommy, daddy!" She hugged her parents.
"Did you had a great time sweetie?"
"The best! I painted grandma's nails, I played in the hot tub and then Skeeter came and we went camping. I ate ice cream and French fries and I played a lot on the playground." She shouted enthusiastic.
"Looks like a great time baby girl."
They all went inside for a cup of tea. They talked for couple of hours before Reba and Skeeter went back home after a fantastic weekend full of great memories.

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