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The wind boiled out from atop the buildings blowing my wavy, blonde hair, and shifting my bangs slightly in my eyes.

I heard an engine mixed with howling wind, up the street.
I turned hoping it was my bus (which it never was), it wasn't.

As the green bus pulled up at the stop a huge part of me wanted to jump on (because The Zomb-, excuse me, "The Incorporeal Being" bus, always came two minutes late), and pretend I was a human. I'd read about other zombies doing it, now that a think about they got caught in the end, ah'whell.

A holler I heard emit from the bus startled me.

"Hey Miss, are you gonna get on?"

I looked up surprise, was he talking to me?

I looked down to where I was standing.

You see Zombies and humans look very alike (possibly a zombie may have two different iris colors, or in rare cases an entirely blacked out eye), but we still have to use different equipment, that includes: cars/buses, eating/writing utensils, chairs, and in this case bus stops.


Because humans think we're contagious, even though every single Zombie is legally required to take the proper treatments to prevent anything bad from happening. So it's basically a complete waste.

I tried hard not to be embarrassed, because I was standing directly in between the zombie platform and the human one.

Without looking up at the man inside the bus, I stepped over to the zombie side.

"...O-oh, uh, imma... sorry ma'am, I couldn't tell..."

He said, obviously embarrassed himself.

"It's fine I should've been on my platform."

I said not looking up from the dirty sidewalk.

"Well, good day to you."

He said, and drove off.


The misconception of zombies being green, with missing eyes and large gashes stitched up, is incredibly wrong these days.

Some Zombie-Misanthropists say it's what's on the inside that makes a person human, no matter how close you resemble one. It is true we have weaker hearts compared to the ones that humans have, and that's why people believe zombies smell terrible. Because our hearts can't sufficiently pump our blood.

But, I guess you could say I'm one of the luckier Zombies.
When I was around ten years old I had a human heart transplant,
So I don't smell as bad as others apparently.
But it comes with it's cons as well, I have to take daily medication (as any transplant patient does) that weakens my immune system.
Another thing about us is that we have incredibly weak bodys to begin with (our flesh especially, which means Zombies easily get broken bones, bruised, and, cut) and the Medicine does the apposite of helping that.

The "Incorporeal being" bus finally rattles down the street, meeting me at the stop.

The driver opens the door and smiles softly at me, the wrinkles on his face furrowed together with age.

I stepped in and went to a row of seats near the front. I closed my eyes and sighed as I sat with my hands in my lap.

The old man began closing the doors to the bus until he heard an eruption of sound outside.

"Hey, Wait!"

The driver reopened the doors to let the stranger in.

"Ah, thank you!"

The new comer said as he stepped in.

My nose wrinkled slightly at the somewhat foreign smell.

He...Wasn't a Zombie.

AN: Hey, Sorry for such a short chapter, more is on the way!
But anyways, on with the important stuff, the wonderful person who gave me the Inspiration/Idea for this book is, Hastune_Miku_taco!!!
Thank you so much for letting me use this! I am so exited to write and explore the world me and her created.

My Undead Darling(old)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें