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AN: Because this part didn't take long enough already I took a scene from later on in this chapter and doodled it for ya guys, enjoy. ;)

AN:lol I suck at drawing

We continued to walk, my breath getting more caught in my throat every second. While a lump continued to linger in my stomach as both the stranger and I stepped into an elevator. Or at least what I perceived as an elevator since my only view was of my feet.

Sensations like sound, blindly received by my ears, gave me the impression that I was at some sort of an establishment. Maybe an apartment? But then again it would have to be very high class with its polished marble floors that reflected my feet.

Even before we had entered the elevator, no one else had communicated with the person I was with.

'Is this place empty?'
I pondered.

My conscience was telling me I looked completely stupid l in the situation I was currently in, but I pushed that aside as I prepared to execute my escape plan.

I bit my lip and waited for the sound of the elevator doors closing.
The polished mechanical noise came, and I clenched my fist harder.

My plan was to slide underneath the bottom of the jacket, which ended at around my upper thigh, and I would figure out the rest from there.

With the slightest of hesitation, I jolted downward into a squatting position and immediately bobbed up to face my "captor".

Unfortunately before I could react to anything, The harsh light of the seemingly innocent elevator completely blinded me.

I stumbled back a few steps, tripping over my own feet. I was thrown into the wall next to the door of the elevator.

I could feel the waves of pain as well as a stream of blood slither out from the back of my head.

I weakly collapsed on the floor, biting my lip harder holding back a whimper.

My vision began to grow weaker and weaker, I tried to pull myself out of it.

'Come.. On..'

'This can't really be happening

I was losing hold of my consciousness.

"Ergh, What a mess."
A harsh annoyed sigh met my ears.

A pair of expensive looking shoes stepped towards me, as my vision began to blur.

A pair of expensive looking shoes stepped towards me, as my vision began to blur

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"Get, off the ground, now."
The same voice demanded.

I breathed heavily as I slowly tipped my head backwards.

I could barley make him out but as I expected, it was the guy from the bus...
What did he want with me? Why did he bring me here? Is there a reason? Am I in trouble?'
I quired while starring up at the man, even more questions sat restlessly inside of my head.

"I said, Get Up."
He resounded once again.

The harsh ringing in my ears sliced through his words, making them useless to me.

I slowly lifted my hand to the back of my neck, and felt a large drop of fluid. I then brought my hand inches away from my eyes to make out the scarlet liquid.

 I then brought my hand inches away from my eyes to make out the scarlet liquid

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I started to lose focus again.

'No... Hold on..'

My mind still arguing back and fourth with the rest of my body.

'Come on, dangit..'

I slowly struggled to stand.

I lift up my face to meet his,
as soon as our eyes locked everything seemed to disappear.

My clouded vision cleared, my headache was soothed, the throbbing from the back of my head dispersed.

Then in a blink of an eye it all went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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