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The driver stared at the human for a few seconds, while he pleaded his case:

"I missed my bus do to some malfunctions at my job, and one of my buddies said that there was a 4:00, so here I am."

Was someone playing a joke on him, or was he the one playing the joke? He had to know that this was a zombie bus, right?

The bus driver nodded understandingly, as he jerks his head in the direction of the bus seats, and said:

"Alright go ahead and pop a squat."

"Thank you so much! uh here, keep the change."

The man handed the bus driver a five dollar bill, and walked past him, towards me.

He approached me confidently, and smiled.

"May I join you?"

I nodded,
and took my change purse, that was still open, off of seat. A small coin slid out and onto the ground, near my shoe.

Remember how I said zombies and humans have separate everything? That includes dollar bills and coins. It isn't such a big deal though, because there are Cash exchangers every fifty feat or so.

"Ah, sorry"

I nervously sighed, while beginning to reach for the coin.

"No problem, here let me get it."

He said while crouching down to pick up the Zombie coin.

I expected him to reacted differently than he did after figuring out he was pranked into entering wrong bus.

He snatched the coin off the ground and slowly stood up studying it. He then reached out to give it to me, his smile filled me with warmth.

He had been pranked, right?
Maybe he was trying to play it cool, to defend his ego.

I raised a hand to reacquire my coin, our hands touch as he slipped it into my palm.

My small purse clicked open and I slipped the change in, as he sat down next to me.

I minute had passed, in the bus was on its way, it felt incredibly awkward and far to quiet, so I decided to try starting a small conversation. How hard could that be?

Spoiler alert, extremely.

I swallowed, opened my mouth, and turned my head towards him, ready to speak.
But nothing came out.

I stared at him with my mouth still open, in what I now know was shock. Why? Because at that moment I had just truly realized how attractive this dude was. Immediately, I whipped my head back around, and tried to focus on breathing.

The only problem being I wasn't,
Or so I thought.

My head throbbed, why was I reacting like this? I had seen plenty of other good looking men, so what's the deal with this one?

I could feel my face slowly going pale, do to what I thought was lack of oxygen.

"Hey, are you alright? You don't look so good..."

The question that seemed to come out of nowhere, startled me.

"Oh, I'm... Fine..."

The words fell out of my mouth unorganized, and unconnected.

I pressed my temple, focusing on staying calm and breathing once again.

Then I realized...

I was breathing, in truth I was panting very heavily. but the problem wasn't the fact that I wasn't breathing, it was what I was breathing in.

As soon as the human had walked in the bus, I noticed his aroma... sweet, yet reminding.

Reminding of the similarities between us, but most importantly the differences.

"Are you sure? Your getting really pale..."

He observed, while leaning forward, getting closer to me. Which was the last thing I wanted.

I held my breath hoping he would back away, his smell making my stomach churn...

with delight?

'Was this what it was like to be on drugs?'

I thought to myself, still praying that he would back up.

He didn't.

If anything he got closer.

"Are... Are you holding your breath?"

The man asked, raising an eyebrow.

By this point I couldn't hold it anymore, I exhaled.

"Y-you were... Why?"

He questioned with a slightly amused tone while still inching closer.

I tried not to breath in, but my lungs were tearing desperately for a breath of air.

I inhaled deeply.

As soon as I did this, colors started to swirl over top of my vision, obscuring it temporarily until,
everything was black.

I had gotten drugged on someone's smell.

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