A Normal Day With A Too Pretty Boyfriend

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  • Dedicated to To The Ex-Boyfriend Who Did Me Like Carrie

She tightened the grip her hand had on his as they walked toward the school building. He kept his hand in hers. She knew he would let her hand go once they get into the building. Since no one was really around he was okay with holding her hand. He had never held her hand around people they knew. It made her mad, but mostly hurt. She could not understand why he wouldn't hold her hand around others. She tried not to let him know how she felt about this. He was never very nice when it came about her thoughts about him. He wsa so defense sometimes.

They entered the school building. Like she thought, he let her hand go. All she wanted to do was take his hand back. Now that it was gone, she wasn't getting it back. She sighed as she prepared to face the day.

                They stood together in the morning, back to back. He talked to his band and she talked to hers. It was like they weren't even together. It was like they weren't even dating. She wished it seemed more like they were dating. She wished he would walk her to class at least. She always saw other couples walking to class together. Other people had a guy who cared enough to do that. Corey Riffin didn't. She really wished he did. The bell rang and she turned toward him. He smiled at her and then turned to go the other way. She frowned.

"Thanks for saying bye, Riffin," He turned toward her and slightly smiled.

"You know I have to go to math, Carrie," She had to go to Spanish. It wouldn't even be that much out of his way. Plus the first bell had several minutes between going to class. She sighed.

"Well you could have said bye," Carrie said back, "I am your girlfriend," He frowned at her words.

"Okay then," He walked over to her and hugged her, "Bye Carrie," She slightly waved back. She sighed as she watched him go. Then she turned to head a hallway down from where Corey's Math class is.

                She sighed as she sat at the lunch table with her friends. She was the only one not eating. Carrie didn't eat sometimes and when she did she ate in her fourth period class. 

"What's wrong Carrie?" Her friend asked her as she ate. Carrie sighed.

"Do you think Corey really loves me, Kim?" Her guy friend choked on his drink. The other three looked at him.

"S-Sorry," Larry said. Kim coughed to get their attentions back.

"I think he does!" She said with a smile, "Why wouldn't he?" Carrie sighed.

"Something is up," She decided, "I don't know what it is, but I'm worried about him," Kim finished her sandwich as her sister spoke up.

"Don't worry Carrie!" Konnie spoke, "Why wouldn't he love you?" Carrie shrugged in response.

"Besides," Kim started, "You have three awesome friends that would kick his butt any day!" Carrie smiled.

"Thanks Kim," The girl got up.

"Group hug guys!" The other three Newmans got up and joined the hug. Carrie was happy. She had a great boyfriend and great friends. What more can she want?

                        He walked her outside. It was a nice day and Carrie was glad Corey agreed to walk her to the bus. He hugged her before heading toward his bus. She watched as he ran into Laney and started to talk to her. He walked her to her bus. Carrie sighed as she turned away from the window. Just another day in the life of Carrie Beff.

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