It's Alright

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Carrie couldn't remember how many days it had been. She didn't want to pay attention.

Since her break up with Corey Riffin, Carrie had been in a depressed state. Larry and the other Newmans were worried about their leader. She hadn't played since then either and Grojband was getting gig after gig.

"Carrie!" She tried to hide under her blanket. Larry was at the door. She really didn't want to see anyone, "You better open this door before I get Konnie to knock it down!" Carrie frowned. She really wanted to keep her door. She hesitanty got out of bed and almost tripped over one of the many empty boxes of tissues. She unlocked the door and swung it open.

"What is it?" She snapped. His eyes widened. She knew why, "Go away," Larry frowned.

"Carrie. This isn't like you," Once those words came out of his mouth he wished he could take them back, "Uh," The blue haired leader sighed.

"It's fine," She said, "I'm just upset," Larry knew she was about to turn around and get back into her bed. He grabbed her shoulders.

"I don't care about Riffin," He told her, "And you shouldn't either," He didn't know where he was going with this, "He didn't deserve you. You're better than he is. There's someone out there for you!" Carrie was shocked at what he was saying. She looked down.

"You don't understand," He frowned.

"I do," He told her, "I," He stopped and took a deep breath, "Like a girl who is so dense that she can't see it. She's breaking and I can't help no matter how hard I try," She looked up at him, "And I don't expect this girl to move on quickly. It's been a whole three months and she hasn't got a hold of herself. I'll be here for her though, always," Carrie wiped her eyes. She hadn't realized that she had started to cry again, "It'll be alright Care," She smiled at him.

"Yeah," She smiled, "Thanks Larry," He smiled back.

"No problem Care,"

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