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yoυ're тнe coғғee тнαт I ɴeed ιɴ тнe мorɴιɴɢ--

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yoυ're тнe coғғee тнαт I ɴeed ιɴ тнe мorɴιɴɢ

he coughed, eyes as wide as a barn owl's. blinking twice, he seemed at a loss for words. then he shook his head slightly and reached underneath me. scooping me up, he walked over to our small dining table and sat me down in one of the chairs. it was my turn to pout. i crossed my arms across my chest and eyed him as he walked over to our shared closet. he picked up humming again as he picked out a few articles of clothing.

"meonji, sarangi meonji—"
he sang under his breath.
he neatly laid my clothes down on the bed and turned around to power on the electric tea brewer.

"put that outfit on. i'm taking your little homebody out whether you like it or not."
he put in the green tea mix and took out a teacup from the cabinets above him.

i groaned again, but inside i felt a glow of warmth that made me smile. i stood up and went over to pick up the clothes.

he chose them well, that fashionista.

the room filled with the scent of matcha as i slipped out of my pajamas. sanghyuk wrapped his arms around me and kissed my bare shoulder before returning to the bathroom, presumably to fix his hair.

i changed into the outfit and shook my hair out of the shirt. the bemused smile on my face never left, never faltered.

now, what does this boy have planned for me?

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