Part 8

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Mara's P.O.V

"It seems that some internal bleeding was caused as your organs were compressed due to the force of the car when it hit you. We didn't notice it throughout the first tests we ran on you as sometimes it can only be spotted and diagnosed after a sever amount of blood loss, and the bleeding through your head made it easier for the test to pick it up. And you mentioned earlier that you had been having shortness of breath and had been experiencing some sort of sharp pains in your stomach, both of these symptoms were caused by the internal bleeding. We may need to consider surgery so we can stop the bleeding before any permanent symptoms occur, however that may not be necessary as a great deal of rest and symptom control can actually stop the bleeding. So we will need to keep you in the hospital and monitored 24/7 and after 2 days we will run some more tests to see if the bleeding has stopped and repaired itself, but if it hasn't and the bleeding is still persistent then we will have to prepare you for surgery. I know and understand that is a lot for you all to take in, so do any of you have any questions"? He continued to explain.

"Can it kill me?" I asked bluntly, all the boys silent.

"In some very sever cases there are complications that can occur that may put someone's life at risk, these can include organ failure and seizures, however because we have detected it on its early stages, there is a 99% chance that we can resolve the issue and stop the bleeding before any life threatening symptoms occur" The Doctor replied.

"So she's going to be okay"? Sam finally spoke up.

"Yes. You're going to be okay and in a week or two if everything goes as planned then you will be out of the hospital and on your way towards recovery, and then all of this can be left behind you. But Mara you need to keep fighting it, you're body and your mind need to be strong for it to resolve itself. If any of you have any questions later that you wish to ask just ask for me at reception and I'll be with you as soon as possible" He walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.

It felt like hours had passed but yet nobody had spoken or moved from the position they were in just before the doctors had left, everybody too scared to say anything.

"Is there anything you need us to get you"? Corey asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Actually there is something. Well, someone actually. I had best friend back in Kansas and I promised her that when I came to stay here that I would stay in touch and text her everyday. But things got a bit hectic and I never had the chance too. I want to see her. I want her to come here. Her phone number is on my cell at home" I asked, remembering the broken promises I made to her.

"Consider it done" Sam stood up, "We'll be back once I've called her. Get some rest, okay?" he stopped at the door.

"Of course. Oh and Sam, one more thing, can you sneak me a McDonalds in here on your way back? The hospital food is gross" I smirked.

"Cheeseburger, fries and a strawberry milkshake" He replied, remembering the food I would always order from McDonalds.

I shot a smile in his, Corey's and Elton's direction just before they left the room.

"Colbs? Are you okay? You haven't said anything since the doctor left. As much as I should be cherishing the fact you're finally quiet, I don't like it" I asked once the others were gone.

There was a long pause before he finally spoke, and these words I never expected to come out of his mouth.

"Mara, lets get married"

The Little Sister (Sam Golbach&Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now