2 ~ Angel

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"-You're worthless! You don't even deserve to be alive! I'm gonna beat the gay out of your faggot self!

The other students start cheering as I feel a first punch get to my face. And another one. And another. And one more.

"- What do you think you're doing, Justin!

-Not anything that concerns you, Angel!

-Jesus Justin, just leave him alone already!

-What's it to you! He's a worthless faggot!

-He's more worthy than you'll ever be!

-If I was asking for you to comment I would've called you!"

Once more his fists smacks against my cheek. I scream out of pain. And one in the stomach, another scream. And an uppercut, another scream. And a knee in the stomach, and one more scream. Then, nothing. I hesitantly open my eyes to see Angel repeatedly hitting my bully while he whimpers in pain under him.

-Don't you dare touch my best friend ever again!

I know I should be happy but the sadness always takes over at the sound of those two words. Best friend. Another thing I will always be. Don't get me wrong, I love that he is my best friend, that he always has my back. Only, I would want him to be more, perhaps he could be the angel who saves me.

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