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Tonka dragged Fern by the long silky black hair of her head to the town square, while her three young boys followed close behind crying out and demanding he let their mother go. The townspeople followed close as well but not too close. None of them dared to interfere. Not even for the boys' sakes. Fern, for her part, fought fiercely. She was not going to go quietly but then, Tonka hadn't expected her to. He admired her fighting spirit. It struck a similar chord in him. Still, her debt was due and she had to pay one way or another.

He tossed her, by the head of her hair, across the village square where she tumbled over and over again until she finally came to a disheveled stop. Cursing and wiping the blood from her lip, she staggered to her feet. Her boys were at her side helping her. Tonka saw they had a little spirit too but not like their mother. He knew, if she had the power, she would slice him down where he stood without a moments hesitation. She was doing it now with her eyes.

Tonka grinned malevolently at her, pleased that he finally had the upper hand. She had been undermining his death-grip on exports and imports into Seaway for several years now. She'd done it so cleverly at first that he hadn't even suspected her. But, it all came to light, as everything does, because Tonka had spies everywhere. And, now that her treachery was exposed, well, he'd come to collect. He could see and taste his imminent victory. She was going to die that day and her business and all its lucrative trappings would be his as payment!

"It's time to pay up Fern!" he shouted with sinister amusement. He cast a look her way and smiled devilishly. "What's it going to be?"

Tonka saw her grit her teeth and curse at him. It amused him how much spirit she had even when they both knew she was beat. He and she both knew what was going to happen. She was going to appeal to the crowd for a champion - an advocate warrior to fight in her place - and no one was going to come forward.

Tonka was the head of the Seaway Syndicate. He ruled this town with an iron fist. He had been Master, judge and jury for nearly 20 years. Few had the will or the power to cross him. His extensive network of business partners, spies and hired muscle had seen to that. Though Fern had plenty will and fighting spirit, she lacked power. She couldn't physically overtake him in a sword fight and she didn't have any hired muscle to draw from in an emergency like this. Tonka had nothing to fear from her now that she was exposed. But, even though they both knew her plea would go unanswered, they both knew she would still make it. She wasn't the type to give up or give in.

"Please," she said to the growing crowd in a hoarse voice. It was hoarse from all the screaming and yelling she'd been doing since the moment Tonka had broken down the door of her sea-side establishment and dragged her out of it. "I need a champion. Who will stand with me? Which one of you will come forward?" she asked in as loud a voice as she could. "I can pay well," she offered anyone listening.

The oldest boy, a child of 12 or 13, lept up on the ledge of the water fountain in the square so that he could look out over everyone. He called out to the crowd as well saying, "We need a champion! Who will champion us?"

Fern and her sons waited and looked around anxiously. No one responded. The crowd was silent and their silence was as good as a death sentence.

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