Justice (HighFantasy Contest 2)

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highfantasy                       ... Contest 2: The Devil's Trial ...  Your favourite High Fantasy villain has been put on trial for his/her atrocities. How will s/he defend her/himself? (1000 to 1500 words)

*Based on a villain of my own creation.

The twins - Apathy and Cynicism - were ordered before the Courts of Nebe again. Apathy flicked her long grey hair from her pale face as she was ushered into the courtroom. The place was packed but she couldn't summon the energy to even roll her eyes at the crowd of gloating onlookers. It was all a waste of time as far as she was concerned. Cynicism, on the other hand, gripped the hilt of his sword with calculated anticipation and sneered openly at the great assembly. He singled out Justice, Truth and Right in particular. By the Stars of Nebe he hated them to the same degree that Apathy could care less about them.

The court was in an uproar the moment the Senku, who flanked Apathy and Cynicism, glided in. It was hard to tell whom the spectators hated more - the twins or the smokey apparitions. Cynicism was betting on the filthy, rotten Senku. They were Justice's bounty-hunters but they were foul, stinking creatures that hailed from the very bowels of Morker. Not a god, spirit or monster in the Neviden realm could stand to be in the presence of these tall, dark, smoldering shadows of ash and caustic smoke.

The courtroom quickly filled with the stench of burning stibine while the crystal floors underfoot were instantly stained with a slick, wet trail of malodorous reddish bromine. The stench and the slime were gifts the Senku always left behind. How Justice could allow such abhorrent creatures to enter Nebe, let alone the Court, was unfathomable to both Cynicism and those gathered. However, Apathy was entirely unconcerned about the offensive Senku.  She only cared not to step in the greasy mess lest she should fall. It would be hell getting the liquid bromine washed from the silky strands of her glistening grey hair.

The Enumerator, who read aloud the charges against everyone,  stood with a loud and obnoxious sigh and unrolled a great scroll filled with charges against the twins. It was too long for him to spread from end to end by the span of his arms. With a flare for the dramatic, he let one end of the scroll hit the crystal floor and clatter noisily until  it came to a stop on its own. He then cleared his throat sonorously before launching into a well practiced speech.

"The great and auspicious Court of Nebe hereby charges Apathy and Cynicism with disrupting the peace, instigating anarchy and failing to prevent the widespread and catastrophic ..." he droned on and on and on.

Apathy let out a little snort and gave her brother a knowing look, which he returned with the roll of his eyes. Neither could be bothered to take the Court's charges seriously given the ridiculous nature of the its claims. Instead, Apathy concentrated on looking for a chair. They would likely be in court all afternoon and she could not abide standing on her feet that long.

She dispassionately waved the Senku aside with a light flick of her hand and laid hold of the first chair she saw, which she dragged back over to her twin's side. He would have to get his own chair she thought with a sigh as she sank down into the one she'd procured. Cynicism smiled affectionately when he heard the sigh escape her lips. By all the gods she was the most disaffected person he knew but he loved her all the same.

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